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Alexander, J.L. – The Boy and the Sunday School

The Boy and the Sunday School

Sunday School By J. L. Alexander
Sunday School Lesson, Sunday School Lesson for Kids

This is a manual for Sunday School workers. It discusses various issues in working with young boys in the Sunday School context.

CONTENTS Sunday School


Dagg Manual of Theology is a theology work in 2 volumes by J.L. Dagg a Reformed Southern Baptist. It is an extensive, very ample presentation of doctrines.
This is an extensive Bible Systematic Theology (Bible Doctrines book) from a conservative point of view.
Read/Download: now with pdf download link. 50,000 views on this page with download link

Foreword     13
1.  The Home and the Boy     23
2. The Public School and the Boy      32
3. The Church and the Boy     37
4. The Sunday School or Church School     41
5. The Boy and the Sunday School     48
6. Fundamental Principles in Sunday School Work with Boys     57
7. Method and Organization     62
8. The Organized Sunday School Bible Class     74
9. Bible Study for Boys     93
10. Through-the-Week Activities for Boys’ Organized Classes     104
11. The Boys’ Department in the Sunday School     120
12. Inter-Sunday School Effort for Boys     135
13. The Older Boys’ Conference or Congress     138
14. The Secondary Division or Teen Age Boys’ Crusade     158
15. Sex Education for Boys and the Sunday School     176
16. The Teen Boy and Missions     193
17. Temperance and the Teen Age     202
18. Building up the Boy’s Spiritual Life     208
19. The Teen Age Teacher     215
20. Danger Points     265
21. The Rural Sunday School     268
22. The Relation of the Sunday School to Community Organizations     277

Alexanderj-boy-and-sunday-school Bok
Alexanderj-boy-and-sunday-school Bok
4.5 MB

Salv56 Resist the Devil and he will flee from you

THEMES: How the devils work, power over them, How to Fight against Them, Help to Resist, Seek and Be Filled with the Holy Spirit, Watch etc.
download: Salv56 Resist the Devil and he will flee from you.

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are my thoughts and suggestions for missionaries returning on furlough to the States, also those on deputation. Topics: How are we helping returning missionaries? | Let me put forth my mindset. | Coming Home and Culture Shock | The Problems of Cyber Space and Missionaries | Stick to Standard Forms of Communication | You can Help Returning Missionaries by understanding their lifestyle | More Lifestyle Differences | Helping Missionaries with Dental, Eyecare, Medical Care | Churches can help Returning missionaries - Housing | Small stuff | Get expert Advice | My Best Experiences with Visiting a Church as a Missionary Speaker.
Read the Article: Helping Returning Missionaries.