Christian Perfectionism
“Whether The Regenerate Can Keep The Law Perfectly.”
By Zacharias Ursinus
From the Webmaster
12/18/2024 I am converting all of the zipped mySword modules on this site to straight *.bok.mybible formats. If you visit us from a cell phone, you do not have to unzip these files. I am also changing the format somewhat. I am getting away from individual descriptions, and just making library lists where you can directly download the files.
If you come across a post that doesn't have a download link, please post a note to me in the comments of that post (no download), and I will try to get the file uploaded and linked to that post. We have had glitches in the past, and some posts lost their downloads. Basically, I am taking down all posts (650 posts on the site), and checking each one to see if they have their download, and if not adding it. Most do not. Once I take it down, it will repost (1 per day) until I am caught up and can work on new posts. Note that MySword reads theWord modules and esword modules now, so use them if you have them. Check these sites and
If you can use these mysword modules in your Christian life and ministry, I need a big favor from you. I need you to pray for me. I sustain this website alone, out of my own living expense money. The Google Adsense ads have been adding to my income at the rate of 5 US cents per day for Google Adsense Ads as a daily total on 32 of my sites, all of them combined earn me a nickel per day except on bad days when it is less. I have been hacked continually, and these sites breakdown or are hacked, so I need your prayers. Please pray that God would protect this labor of love. If you cannot donate, please pray for me at least.
-- David Cox, Webmaster
Talmage, J.E. – Jesus the Christ (Mormon views)
Jesus the Christ
A Study of the Messiah and His Mission according to Holy Scriptures both Ancient and Modern
One of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Salt Lake City, Utah
Deseret Book Company
Copyright September 1915, December 1915, April 1916, and November 1916
Trustee-in-Trust for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Copyright, October, 1922
Trustee-in-Trust for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Printed in the United States of America [Pg iii]
Best Christ Could Not Be Tempted
Best Christ Could Not Be Tempted
by W.E.Best
Copyright © 1986
In this 19 chapter work, Best examines the issue of Christ and his possibility of sinning. Continue reading
Albert the Great – On Cleaving to God
On Cleaving to God
This famous and much loved little treatise, On Cleaving to God, (De Adhaerendo Deo) has always been attributed to Saint Albert the Great, who lived from about 1200 to 1280, and was one of the most respected theologians of his time.”I have had the idea of writing something for myself on and about the state of complete and full abstraction from everything and of cleaving freely, confidently, nakedly and firmly to God alone, so as to describe it fully (in so far as it is possible in this abode of exile and pilgrimage), especially since the goal of Christian perfection is the love by which we cleave to God.” –St. Albert the Great, On the highest and supreme perfection of man, in so far as it is possible in this life.
Cummins, R. – Gethsemane
by Robert Cummins
Copyright © 1944
In this 14 chapter work, Cummins (Universalist) has no chapter headings. He studies Gethsemane, and what it means in the life of Christ.