Wright, C.H.H – The Fatherhood of God

The Fatherhood of God, and Its Relation to the Person and Work of Christ, Operations of the Holy Spirit.

By CHARLES H. H. WRIGHT, M.A., of Trinity College Dublin and Exeter College , Oxford British Ciujpluin at Dresden.



Stalker The Preacher and His Models
Looks at the Preacher as a Man of God, a Patriot, a man of the Word, as a False Prophet, as a man, as a Christian, as an Apostle, and as a Thinker.
Read the Work: Stalker The Preacher and His Models.

The Fatherhood of God: and Its Relation to the Person and Work of Jesus Christ and the Operation of the Holy Spirit. 



INTRODUCTORY The Tripartite Nature of Man Sonship not granted in Eden, . . l


The Fall and its Difficulties Adam not dealt with as a Son, . H


Traducianism and Creationism Original Sin, . .29


Sciipture Passages which speak of God as a Father, Considered, . 45


The Revelations in Scripture concerning God s Character and Attributes Opposed to the Doctrine of the Universal Fatherhood Danger of such a Dogma, . 62


The Doctrine of the Universal Fatherhood Opposed by the Scriptural Doctrine of the Eternity or Finality of the Punishment of the Ungodly Eternal Punish ment may not imply Eternal Torment, . -79


The Fatherhood of God in relation to the Lord Jesus Christ The Doctrine of the Trinity Old Testament Manifestations of Christ Passages of the Old Testament supposed to speak of the Divine Sonship The New Testament Revelation of the Eternal Filiation, . . . . .98


The Fatherhood of God in relation to the Human Nature of the Lord Jesus Review of Passages in the Old and New Testaments The Mysteries of the Incarnation Christ a Perfect Man Conscience in Christ His Temptation, . . . .123


The Sonship of Christ The Learning of Obedience Christ s Work as Son A Teacher of the meaning of the Law His Atonement Modern Caricatures of Evangelical Doctrine The True Doctrine of Christ s Death His Resurrection Body, . 143


The Sonship of Believers The Scriptural Doctrine of Conversion What it is Conversion and Regeneration The New Birth, . .162



The Sonship of Believers The Gift of the Holy Spirit the distinguishing mark of the New Testament The Baptism of the Spirit Spiritual Life The New. Birth a Literal Regeneration of the Spirit in Man Adoption and Regeneration The Sonship of Believers a Reality ” Brethren ” of Christ Practical Remarks . . . . .178


The Sonship of Believers Its connection with the Resurrection Difficulties of the Resurrection The Resurrection body like those of the angels And that of our Lord Their peculiarities reviewed, . 195


The Sonship of Believers No security in the position of mere subjects Sonship a final state Final preservation promised in the New Testament apart from all theories of Predestination Passages which seem to teach otherwise reviewed The privileges of Sonship, . . .209


Baptismal Regeneration considered in relation to the doctrine of the Sonship of Believers, . .229


No. I. The Tripartite Nature of Man, . . 249

No. II. Scripture Revelations on the Intermediate State of the Dead, . . 257

No. III. Note on Ps. ii. 7, . . . 282

No. IV. On the Translation of Ps. ii. 12, . . 284

Pent08 Benny Hinn: False Prophet of Word of Faith Movement
Topics: His Background | His Deceptions and Lies | His Authority | His Doctrinal Heresies: God, man-gods, | Jesus took upon himself the nature of Satan | Weird stuff | Hinn’s False Prophesies | Necromancy.
From the Tract: Jesus took upon himself the nature of Satan Hinn says that Jesus took upon himself the nature of Satan, and the Jesus had to be born again. He says that the death of Jesus was insufficient to save us, and that Jesus had to go to hell after his death and suffer tortures by Satan and the demons for three days. Salvation according to Hinn was affected during and after these three days in hell, and not on the cross. Jesus said on the cross, “It is finished” John 19:30. He believes in the false doctrine that Jesus died spiritually in hell, and that is very popular among this group.
Read the Tract: Pent08 Benny Hinn: False Prophet of Word of Faith Movement.

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