Boettner The Trinity is an explanation and argument for the Bible doctrine of the Trinity, examines different aspect of it.
The Trinity
By Loraine Boettner
Summary: In this 11 chapter work by Boettner (Presbyterian), he presents us with an explanation and argument for the doctrine of the Trinity. Some of his chapters are: The Trinity in the Old Testament, One substance and three persons, the meaning of the words “Father”-“Son”-“Spirit”. the subordination of the Son and Spirit to the Father, and the generation of the Son and the Procession of the Spirit. Some historical and practical aspects.
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1. Introduction
2. Statement of the Doctrine
3. Further Scripture Proof
4. The Trinity in the Old Testament
5. One Substance, Three Persons
6. Meaning of the Terms “Father”, “Son”, and “Spirit”
7. Subordination of the Son and Spirit to the Father
8. The Generation of the Son and the Procession of the Holy Spirit
9. The Trinity Presents a Mystery but not a Contradiction
10. Historical Aspects of the Doctrine
11. Practical Importance of the Doctrine
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Read the Tract: bs28 Do you live the Truth or Lies?.