Moore A Treatise on the Divine Nature
Exhibiting the Distinction the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
by Humphrey Moore,
Pastor of the Church in Milford, N. H.
In this work, Pastor Moore deals with some of God’s attributes in relation to the persons of the Trinity. Some chapters are: The Existence of God, unity of God, plurality in divine nature, the Father, in what sense is Christ the Son of God, divine attributes and names, and various studies on Christ as God.
Pollock Doctrine of Christ 2 John 1:9-11 is a single chapter work of 28 pages looking at different aspects of the Doctrine of Christ.
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Contents of Moore A Treatise on the Divine Nature
The existence of God, – – – – 9
The Unity of God, – – … is
Plurality in the Divine Nature, … 25
On the Father, – – – – 39
In what sense Christ is the Son of God, . . 46
Divine names given to Christ, – – – 82
Divine attributes ascribed to Christ, – – – 95
Christ the Author of Creation, – – – 109
Christ possesses divine authority, – – – 119
Divine honors given to the Son of God, – – 135
Christ’s raising the dead and judging the world, are evidences of his divinity, – – – 151
On the humiliation and exaltation of Jesus Christ, – 160
Christ’s divinity argued from the place he holds in our system of religion, and in believers’ hearts, – 168
Christ the Author of salvation, – – – 180
On the Mediatorial office of Jesus Christ, – 187
Christ the Angel of the Covenant, – – – 197
The opinions of the ancient Jews respecting the Son of God,
The opinions of the Christian Fathers respecting Jesus Christ, 227
On the Atonement of Christ, … 249
On the Humanity of Christ, – – – 271
A summary View of the evidences of the divinity of Jesus Christ, 282
On the Distinction and Divinity of the Holy Spirit, 300
The connexion of Divine Plurality with other doctrines of the Sacred Scriptures, – – 329
BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the second day of August, A. D. 1824, in the forty-ninth year of the Independence of the United States of America, Samuel T. Armstrong, of the said District, has deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as Proprietor, in the words following, to wit:
“A Treatise on the Divine Nature, exhibiting the distinction of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. By Huraphiey Moore, Pastor of the Church in Milford, N. H.”‘
In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, “An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned;” and also to an act, entitled, “An act supplementary to an Act, entitled. An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned; and extending- the benefits thereof to the arts of designmg, engraving and etching historical, and other prints.”
Clerk of the District of Massachusetts.
Treatise On the Divine Nature (27 downloads )Moore A Treatise on the Divine Nature
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