A New Call To Holiness
A Restudy and Restatement of New Testament Teaching concerning
Christian Sanctification
(g) J. Sidlow Baxter 1967
First Edition 1967 Second Edition 1968
SEN 551 05190 6
made and printed in great britain by purnell and sons -ltd. paulton (somerset) and london
This is an excellent work on holiness by Sidlow Baxter (Baptist).
Dedication 2
Foreword 2
Why A New Call? 6
Holiness in New Apparel 8
New Distinctions and Accents 9
A Lasting Legacy and Impress 9
A decline: but why? 10
Eclipsed by bigger issue 10
Harassed by Controversy 10
Divorce from Evangelism 11
Set-backs through Inconsistency 11
Changeful Decades 11
A Shift to the Experiential 12
A Shift from Superficiality 12
Wesley and Booth 13
A Right Approach 16
A Right Approach to Scripture 16
A True View of Sin 17
Regeneration and Renewal 18
Christian Standing and Privilege 20
Fascination with Theory 22
Theory Versus Experience 25
The Eradication Theory 26
Representative Others 27
Present-day Voices 28
The Big Contradiction 29
A Well-Meant Alternative 33
Other Slants and Aspects 36
Counteractionist Dilemma 38
That word, “destroyed” 39
What About Romans 6:6? 44
Non-mention of the Holy Spirit 51
Contradicted by Experience 51
A Significant Illustration 52
The Baptismal Burial 52
A Contradictory Misfit 52
New Testament Testimony 53
The “Old Man” Crucified 58
The “Body of Sin” 60
Pauline Usage of the Word 62
Guidance from Context 62
Guidance from the Wording 63
Endorsement by Parallel 63
Galatians 2:20 64
Galatians 5:24 65
Wrong Applications! 66
What Is Holiness? 69
Holiness Is Likeness To God, 70
“God is Spirit” 70
“God is Light” 71
“God is Love” 72
Moral God-likeness 72
Divine Holiness Incarnated 73
Holiness Inwrought 74
Not Wholly Instantaneous 74
Complete Possession 75
A Misleading Deviation 76
“Victorious Life” 76
An Axiomatic Truth 77
Holiness Is Restoration 78
Excursus On Holiness As Restoration 83
Holiness: Yes, But How? 84
To What Degree? 86
Entire Sanctification 94
Accompaniments 96
“Let us go up . . . and possess” 98
Transfiguration Of Character 103
Inward Metamorphosis 105
Progressive Christlikeness 108
Summary And Suggestions 111
Supplementary 118
What Does Paul Mean By “The Flesh”? 119
Invalidity of Usual Teaching 125
A Truer Illustration 127
What Is “Cleansing From All Sin”? 131
The Usual Teaching 131
The Witness of the Hymnbooks 132
Eradication by Ablution 133
Is it Scriptural? 134
Old Testament Data 134
Use of the Word, “Cleansed”. 135
New Testament Data 136
The Blood as a Symbol 136
“The Flesh Profiteth Nothing” 137
“Cleansing” by the Blood 138
What then of 1 John 1:7? 139
Conclusions 140
The Word Of Two Scholars 141
Can We Ever Be Dead To Sin? 142
“Dead to Sin” 143
“Dead to the Law” 143
Death to “the Flesh” 144
What, Then, Of Death To Sin? 146
“Christian Perfection” 149
Can We Be Inwardly Dead To Sin? 151
Appendices 155
Baptism And Death To Sin In Romans 6 156
On The True Translation Of Anthropos 159
Contradictory Interpretations Of Romans 6 161
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