I Saw the Welsh Revival
by Matthews, David
In this 16 chapter study on the Welsh Revival, Matthews studies the revival and its persons, reflecting on some key events.
Burroughs Gospel Worship 14 chapters (263 pages) which are each a sermon on how to properly worship God. (format PDF)
“Jeremiah Burroughs’ Gospel Worship has greatly influenced my understanding of biblical worship. It is one of the most important books I have ever read.”
–R.C. Sproul
Download: Burroughs Gospel Worship.
Chapter 1 – Reminiscences of the Great Welsh Revival
Chapter 2 – The Revivalist
Chapter 3 – The Revival
Chapter 4 – Visiting the Aberdare Valley
Chapter 5 – An Agnostic Overpowered
Chapter 6 – A Glimpse of Gethsemane
Chapter 7 – Effects of the Revival in Aberdare
Chapter 8 – The Miners – Before and After
Chapter 9 – My Personal Experience of the Revival
Chapter 10 – Evan Roberts Visits Villages and Valleys
Chapter 11 – Events at Resolven and Hirwain
Chapter 12 – That they all may be one
Chapter 13 – Merthyr Tydvil and Dowlais
Chapter 14 – Mr. Roberts goes to North Wales
Chapter 15 – The Revivalist Finds his Cherith
Chapter 16 – Revival Repercussions
bs32 Should we seek the Holy Spirit? examines the question of seeking the Holy Spirit, or do Christians already have Him. This tract presents the argument that Scripture clearly teaches that God seals the believer at the moment of accepting Jesus with the Holy Spirit. If that is so (and we show these verses), then God cannot allow a person to (1) believe and be saved, but (2) not have the sealing of the Holy Spirit indwelling.
Topics: The Spirit in the Old Testament | The Transition between the OT and NT | The Earnest of the Spirit When do we Receive the Spirit? | To be Saved is to Have the Holy Spirit | The Guarantee that we are Saved | The Explanation of Luke 11:13 | The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit within us | There are Consequences of the Indwelling Spirit in us | The Sequence of Events.
Red the Tracts: bs32 Should we seek the Holy Spirit? .