Boettner Salvation by Grace
By Loraine Boettner
In this 5 chapter work on Salvation, Boettner examines the grace aspect of salvation looking at man not deserving of salvation, God’s pleasure to give or withhold, salvation isn’t earned, etc.
CONTENTS of Boettner Salvation by Grace
1. Man’s Ill-desert.
2. God May Give or Withhold Grace as He Pleases.
3. Salvation not to be Earned by Man.
4. Scripture Proof.
5. Further Remarks.
Boettner Salvation by Grace
Dr. Boettner was born on a farm in northwest Missouri. He was a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary (Th.B., 1928; Th.M., 1929), where he studied Systematic Theology under the late Dr. C. W. Hodge. Previously he had graduated from Tarkio College, Missouri, and had taken a short course in Agriculture at the University of Missouri. In 1933 he received the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity, and in 1957 the degree of Doctor of Literature. He taught Bible for eight years in Pikeville College, Kentucky. A resident of Washington, D.C., eleven years and of Los Angeles three years. His home was in Rock Port, Missouri. His other books include: Roman Catholicism, Studies in Theology, Immortality, and The Millennium.
Boettner Salvation by Grace