Jesus: The Free Gift of Salvation
By Barclay, William
This is a small module of two sermons by William Barclay on Jesus as the free gift of salvation.
William Barclay was a Scottish author, radio and television presenter, Church of Scotland minister, and Professor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism at the University of Glasgow. He wrote a popular set of Bible commentaries on the New Testament that sold 1.5 million copies.
Pollock Doctrine of Christ 2 John 1:9-11 is a single chapter work of 28 pages looking at different aspects of the Doctrine of Christ.
PDF: Pollock Doctrine of Christ
theWord: Pollock Doctrine of Christ
MySword: Pollock Doctrine of Christ
eSword: Pollock Doctrine of Christ
1. The Free Gift of Salvation.
2. The Shed Blood of Jesus
More Works by William Barclay
More Works on the Gospel
doct12 God incarnate is a doctrinal tract about how Jesus is and always will be fully God, yet in time, he took on himself a human body through the Holy Spirit and Mary.
Topics: Definition of the Doctrine | Confusion about the Doctrine | The History of the Doctrine | The Humiliation of Jesus | The Kenosis of Jesus | The Divinity of Jesus | The Exaltation of Jesus | Why did God have to become man?
Read the Tracts: doct12 God incarnate.
MySwordmodules is a website dedicate to the MySword Bible Program for Androird devices. We host MySword Modules.
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