Davies The Christian Calling by Davies (Anglican) has 20 chapters about the Christian Calling (to be a Christian). Some of his chapters are: Peace with God. Peace amongst Men. The Freedom of Sonship. Civil Freedom. The Righteousness of Faith. Rights and Duties. Holiness to the Lord. The Church and the World. Love towards God. Love towards men. The Primary Bonds of Human Life. Riches and the Kingdom of God. The Divine Right to Rule. Cesar and God. Competition and Self-Surrender. Dogma, Sentiment, and Ritual. Church-Going: Its Dangers and Benefits. Supernatural Religion. The Cost of Discipleship. Heaven and the World.
The Christian Calling
Stalker The Preacher and His Models Looks at the Preacher as a Man of God, a Patriot, a man of the Word, as a False Prophet, as a man, as a Christian, as an Apostle, and as a Thinker.
Read the Work: Stalker The Preacher and His Models.
This work by Davies (Anglican) has 20 chapters about the Christian Calling (to be a Christian). Some of his chapters are: Peace with God. Peace amongst Men. The Freedom of Sonship. Civil Freedom. The Righteousness of Faith. Rights and Duties. Holiness to the Lord. The Church and the World. Love towards God. Love towards men. The Primary Bonds of Human Life. Riches and the Kingdom of God. The Divine Right to Rule. Cesar and God. Competition and Self-Surrender. Dogma, Sentiment, and Ritual. Church-Going: Its Dangers and Benefits. Supernatural Religion. The Cost of Discipleship. Heaven and the World.
THE first ten Sermons in this volume were preached as a continuous course in All Saints’ Church, Scarborough, in the August and September of this year. It will be observed that they aim at setting forth some leading features of the state of life to which Christians are called, Peace, Liberty, Righteousness, Holiness, and Love, in their twofold aspect, as towards God and as towards men. The desire of the Vicar of All Saints’, the Rev. R. Brown Borthwick, that these Sermons should be printed has led to the publication of the volume, which will be a memorial of Sundays to which I look back with much pleasure and thankfulness. The other Sermons deal chiefly with difficulties which are felt as besetting a life according to the Christian calling at the present time.
December, 1874.
CONTENTS of Davies The Christian Calling
I. Peace with God 1
II. Peace amongst Men . 15
III. The Freedom of Sonship 29
IV. Civil Freedom 43
V. The Righteousness of Faith 59
VI. Rights and Duties 74
VII. Holiness to the Lord 89
VIII. The Church and the World 104
IX. Love towards God 119
X. Love towards men 134
XI. The Primary Bonds of Human Life 152
XII. Riches and the Kingdom of God 168
XIII. The Divine Right to Rule 184
XIV. Cesar and God 199
XV. Competition and Self-Surrender 214
XVI. Dogma, Sentiment, and Ritual 231
XVII. Church-Going: Its Dangers and Benefits 248
XVIII. Supernatural Religion 265
XIX. The Cost of Discipleship 280
XX. Heaven and the World 298
pc56 Just say no to witchcraft! We examine what witchcraft is and how it is contrary to us depending on God for everything in our lives.
Topics: What is Witchcraft? | How do you Practice Witchcraft? Occult Principles (or Spells). Refutation. Spiritual Guides | The Importance of Rejecting It | How to Reject it? | Conclusion.
Excerpt from the Tract: The Druids and people who believe in Mother Earth are people who have taken up this concept today, such that the ecological movement and to protect the earth and save it “from human beings” as if we are invaders of our own planet earth, or we are parasites on her.
Read the Tract: cp56 Just say no to witchcraft!.
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David Cox Internet Ministries This post is an update on how our Internet Ministries are moving along, or our reach to the world. It contains some statics for the last 30 days before September 14th, 2023. If you are interested in knowing about our outreach via our Internet websites, please visit this page.
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