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Pollock The Holy Spirit of God

Pollock The Holy Spirit of God is a one chapter work on the Holy Spirit. His personality, Membership in the Trinity, God’s name is 2,500x in the plural, etc.

I believe A.J. Pollock is Brethren.

Excerpt from the Work


Watchman Nee The Communion of the Holy Spirit is a 3 part, 15 Chapter work on various matters of the Holy Spirit. From the Deeper Life Movement
PDF:Watchman Nee The Communion of the Holy Spirit.
theWord:Watchman Nee The Communion of the Holy Spirit.
MySword:Watchman Nee The Communion of the Holy Spirit.
eSword:Watchman Nee The Communion of the Holy Spirit.

Surely we should approach such an exalted theme as this with the utmost reverence. The Scriptures tell us who the Spirit of God is, and what and how He works, and it is, therefore, our privilege to draw attention to these Scriptures.

Who is the Holy Spirit? The Scriptures take for granted who the Spirit of God is in the first mention of Him in Genesis 1:2. We are not there told who the Spirit of God is, simply that He moved on the face of the waters. Yet Scripture clearly tells us who He is in an indirect, though nonetheless impressive, way.

Hebrews 9:14, says, “Christ. … through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God.” Here we are told the Spirit of God is eternal. Now that predicates Deity. None but Deity can be from eternity without beginning and without end. The adjective “eternal” applied in this absolute sense, ascribes Deity to the one so described.

Some theologians would have us believe that the Holy Spirit is an influence and not a Person. There cannot be an influence apart from a Person. We may talk about the influence of the prevailing winds and such like and come to the conclusion that there can be influence apart from a Person, But on reflection this cannot be so. Agur, the son of Jakeh, knew better when he asked the question, “Who has gathered the wind in His fists?” (Prov. 30:4). He knew that behind the wind was a Person. To try to make out there can be an influence apart from a Person is the stultification of common sense.

Moreover, read John 16:13-14, and you will find the Holy Spirit comes, guides, hears, speaks, glorifies, receives, shows—all activities of a Person. Further, in Acts 13:2, “The Holy Ghost said, separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called then.” Here we have a Person giving positive instructions and using language which none but Deity could rightly use. This is fully borne out in 1 Corinthians 12:11, “All these works the one and the self-same Spirit, dividing to every many severally as HE will.” Here again language is used which is only proper to Deity. Sovereignty is one of the attributes of God. “Dividing. … as He will” in relation to the assembly of God on earth is the assertion of Sovereignty, and therefore of Deity.


This is indicated in the rite of baptism—“baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” This is borne out in the threefold benediction in 2 Corinthians 13:14, “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost be with you all. Amen.” It is seen in the tri-partite parable of Luke 15—the Shepherd (typical of our Lord) seeking the lost sheep; the woman (typical of the Holy Spirit) seeking the lost piece of silver; the Father (typical of God the Father) welcoming the returning and repentant prodigal. In the sentence “Let us be merry” (Luke 15:24) we have typified the joy of Father, Son and Holy Ghost in the blessing of sinful men. The same truth is set forth in the first Scripture we quoted, Hebrews 9:14, “Christ. … through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God.” Here we have Christ, the Spirit and God, all occupied in the work of redemption. We see it in the baptism of our Lord, when the Spirit of God, descending like a dove, rested upon Him, and a voice from heaven, the Father’s voice was heard, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matt. 3:17). Father, Son and Spirit in happy relationship!


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Topics: Evolution violates the First Law of Thermodynamics (the law of Conservation of Energy). | Evolution violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics (dissipation of energy). | The Law of Bio-Genesis where life can only come from some other pre-existent life, thus only perpetuating its own type. | There is no evidence in the fossil registry that supports evolution. | The fossil registry has failed to document even a single “missing link” that would verify beyond doubt the link between ape and man. | Java Man-Ape (Pithecanthropus Erectus Erect man-ape) | Evolution fails to explain the existence of even a “simple cell.”.
Read/Download the Tract: evc02 Created or Evolved? A Refutation of Evolution.

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