Gaussen Theopneustia: Plenary Inspiration of Holy Scriptures
by Louis Gaussen, D.D.
Edinburgh & London: Johnstone & Hunter, 1850. pp.365.
Summary of Gaussen Theopneustia: Plenary Inspiration of Holy Scriptures
This is a work on the plenary inspiration of Scripture, examining the doctrine, objections, and other criticism of that doctrine.
Chapter Content of Gaussen Theopneustia: Plenary Inspiration of Holy Scriptures
Chapter 1: Definition of the Theopneustia, or Divine Inspiration
Chapter 2: Scriptural Proof of Divine Inspiration
Chapter 3: Brief Didactic Abastract of the Doctrine of the Divine Inspiration
Chapter 4: Examination of Objections
Chapter 5: Examination of Evasions
Chapter 6: On Sacred Criticism, in Relations it Bears to Divine Inspiration
Chapter 7: Conclusion
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Gaussen Theopneustia: Plenary Inspiration of Holy Scriptures