Dreamer – Power of the Spirit

The Power of the Spirit

Power of the Spirit
by Percy Dreamer, M.A., D.D.
Professor of Ecclesiastical Art, King’s College London
Humphrey Milford Oxford University Press
London, Edinburgh, Glasgow, New York, Toronto, Melbourne, Cape Town, Bombay 1919
Printed in England at the Oxford University Press

In this short 4 chapter work by Percy Dreamer (Anglican) he does a study on the Power of the Holy Spirit, presenting us with the Military Value, the Gifts of the Spirit, the Talents of the Spirit, and the fruits of the Spirit. 


Torrey How to Bring Men to Christ
is a manual for witnessing to the unsaved to lead them to Christ. It has hints, tips, and suggestions. 13 Chapters.
PDF: Torrey How to bring men to Christ
theWord: Torrey How to bring men to Christ
MySword: Torrey How to bring men to Christ
eSword: Torrey How to bring men to Christ

1. Military Virtue p 7
2. The Gifts of the Spirit p 27
3. The Talents of the Spirit p 54
4. The Fruits of the Spirit p 81


IN one of the chief text-books of theology used in our theological seminaries, the following references are given by the index:’ Holy Ghost, addition of Article on, 198; Divinity of, 199; distinct personality of, 201; history of the doctrine of, 204; procession of, 209; blasphemy against; 446 seq.- –

This seemed to leave room for a little more upon the subject; I therefore ventured to choose ‘The Power of the Spirit ‘ as the subject for the Page Lectures, at Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Connecticut, this year.


bs33 Equity and Responsibility Explains how God deals differently with different people, and not the same with everyone.
Topics:A Good Character Brings us to God | The Parable of the Talents | Showing Equity | Complaining About your Life
Excerpt: We should not think that God will give what is “just and right” in our eyes to everybody the same. God has the right to do with us as He wills, and He will give us what we deserve. Consider Job. Was what God did to Job “fair”? If God makes most people blind, “equality” would mean you want to be blind also? God does not treat everybody equally in giving out the things in this life, and praise God for this!
Read the Tract: bs33 Equity and Responsibility.

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