Corlett in his book Baptism with the Holy Ghost or Baptism with the Holy Spirit looks at various important points in the biblical narrative on the subject. The Need, God’s desire to possess His temple, death to the flesh, enduement with power, etc.
The Baptism With The Holy Ghost
“He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost” (Luke 3:16)
By David Shelby Corlett
This is an old Methodist work.
Murray Andrew Master's Indwelling is a 13 chapter work on how the Christian's relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ should be. Chapters are... Carnal Christians, The Self Life, Waiting on God, Entrance into Rest, the Kingdom First, Christ our Life, Christ's Humility our Salvation, Complete Surrender, Dead with Christ, Joy in the Holy Ghost, Triumph of Faith, Source of Power in Prayer, That God may be all in all.
PDF: Murray Andrew Master's Indwelling.
theWord: Murray Andrew Master's Indwelling.
MySword: Murray Andrew Master's Indwelling.
eSword: Murray Andrew Master's Indwelling.
Table of Contents of Corlett The Baptism With The Holy Ghost
Chapter 1 The Holy Spirit Before Pentecost
Chapter 2 Some Distinctions To Be Noted
Chapter 3 The Need Of This Baptism
Chapter 4 The Disciples Before Pentecost
Chapter 5 The Inner Spiritual Conflict
Chapter 6 God’s Desire To Possess His Temple
Chapter 7 Conditions To Be Met
Chapter 8 Full Abandonment To God
Chapter 9 Death To “The Flesh”
Chapter 10 Obedience To God’s Will
Chapter 11 An Earnest Desire
Chapter 12 Faith For The Fulfillment Of The Promise
Chapter 13 Heart Purity
Chapter 14 Enduement With Power
Chapter 15 Filled With The Spirit
corlett-the-baptism-with-the-holy-ghost.bok_.mybible (604 downloads )More Works on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
- Baier, J. – Compendium of Positive Theology
- Austin-Sparks, T. – The School of Christ
- Arthur, W. – Tongue of Fire
- Andrews Life of Our Lord upon the Earth
- Aitken, W.H. – The Doctrine of Baptism: Mechanical or Spiritual?
- Adams Bertha and Her Baptism
- Adams Baptists the only Thorough Reformers
- Abbey-Overton – The English Church in the Eighteenth Century
More Works on the Holy Spirit in General
- Adams, N. – Power and Office of the Holy Spirit
- Allen, A.A. – Price of God’s Miracle Working Power
- Allen, D.M. – Excited Utterances
- Arthur, W. – Tongue of Fire
- Basil – De Spiritu Sanctu
- Bickersteth Spirit of Life
- Bickersteth The Divine Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
- Bonar Works of the Holy Spirit
- Brengle When the Holy Ghost is Come
- Bristol, S. – Paracletos, or The Baptism of the Holy Ghost
- Corlett Baptism With The Holy Ghost
- Cummings Through the Eternal Spirit
- Dagg Manual of Theology
- Dixon The Holy Spirit in life and service
- Dreamer – Power of the Spirit
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v1.2 Calvinism: What’s the Truth? An honest explanation of why we are not Calvinists, and the problems with Calvinism for the Christian.
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Download: calv01 Calvinism: What's the Truth? v1.2.
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