Moule Outlines of Christian Doctrine

Moule Outlines of Christian Doctrine

by the Rev. H. C. G. Moule, M.A., Principal of Ridley Hall, and formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.

Moule Outlines of Christian Doctrine is a doctrines book by Anglican Bishop H.C.G. Moule. An excellent writer in general.

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“Jeremiah Burroughs’ Gospel Worship has greatly influenced my understanding of biblical worship. It is one of the most important books I have ever read.” –R.C. Sproul
Download: Burroughs Gospel Worship.

CONTENTS of Moule Outlines of Christian Doctrine

(A more detailed Table of Contents is below.)

1. Introductory: (1) natural and revealed religion, (2) the holy scriptures.
2. The doctrine of god: (1) theism, (2) the holy trinity.
3. The doctrine of the father.
4. The doctrine of the son.
5. The doctrine of the son (continued).
6. The work of Christ (continued).
7. The doctrine of the holy spirit.
8. The doctrine of man.
9. The doctrine of the church.
10. The doctrine of the ministry.
11 The doctrine of the sacraments.
12 Subject Index

Author of “Veni Creator: Thoughts on the Holy Spirit of Promise,” etc. Revised edition [[third edition, Feb., 1890]] London: Hodder and Stoughton 27, Paternoster Row. MDCCCXC <iii> to my brother, GEORGE EVANS MOULE, D.D., missionary bishop in mid china, with love and reverence i inscribe this book. Moule Outlines of Christian Doctrine

“Basically there is a lot of good stuff in this theology work by Moule, but he is Anglican, and so his view of the Sacraments is off in my opinin. An ordinance is a command of God we obey, and the Anglican concept of sacrament is the same as the Catholic, that it is a good work that communicates grace. I would take those parts of this work with a ‘grain of salt’.” Editor – David Cox

pc85 Carl Jung and Psychology
explains the origin of Psychology with spiritist Jung, which had contact with a spiritual guide. Psychology is from a spiritist, who got the "science" of psychology (which is in no way a science or scientific) from a spirit, Philemon. (This is a demon speaking to a human, which is a medium, and prohibited in the Old Testament.) I analyze what Jung says with Scripture.
Topics: The Foundation of Psychology | Psychology is not a True Science | Psychology versus Psychoanalysis | The True Origin of Psychology: Philemon | Darkness versus Light | Ying and Yang | What Fellowship does Light have with Darkness? | Spiritism is Prohibited | Conclusion
pc85 Carl Jung and Psychology.

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