God’s Answer to Man’s Sin
by Hyman J. Appelman
Author, “Ye Must Be Born Again”
Copyright @ 1940
by Zondervan Publishing House
In this 9 Chapter book of sermons, God’s Answer to Man’s Sin, Appelman presents us with 9 sermons: God’s Answer to Man’s Sin, I am Debtor, Taking Christ’s Place, Soul Suicide, Scriptural Christianity, Blood Purge, The Price of Souls, I know there is a heaven.
Contents of God’s Answer to Man’s Sin
1. God’s Answer to Man’s Sin
2. “I Am Debtor”
3. Taking Christ’s Place
4. The Ultimate Question
5. Soul Suicide
6. Scriptural Christianity
7. Blood Purge
8. The Price of Souls
9. I Know There is a Heaven
Dagg Manual of Theology (and links to this work in various other formats).
Dagg Manual of Theology (MySword for Android)
Dagg Manual of Theology (theWord Bible Format)
Dagg Manual of Theology (esword format)
Dagg Manual of Theology (PDF Format)
Verna May, Edgar Jascha, and Esta
Rebecca My Wife and two Babies
PREFACE of God’s Answer to Man’s Sin
ALTHOUGH these sermons are published by request, there is but one reason for sending them out into the world. The Lord has used them in the salvation of tens of thousands of souls, Jews and Gentiles, young and old. They are put out with the passionate prayer that the reading of them may win others to Christ.
Every one of them was preached and written in the pressure, the drive, the heat of evangelistic service. There was little time for grammar, rhetoric, oratory, polish. Do not judge them too harshly. They come, each of them, from the burning soul, from the burdened heart, from the longing mind, from the weeping eyes of this poor Jew. Read them! Pass them on to others! Pray for their preacher.
God be with you. God bless you. God use you in the winning of precious souls to a saving acceptance of the Son of God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Hyman J. Appelman
Fort Worth, Texas
fam62 How to be a Feminine Woman examines femininity from a Bible perspective. It compares homosexuals being feminine. Topics: God created us, man, and woman. | The Spiritual Fight is within us ourselves. | A Device of Satan A Device of Satan | The Homosexual and Trans Angle | Highlighting the Woman, How She Behaves | The Crux of the Matter | To Be a Feminine Woman, She must attend to her adorning. | The Description of a Woman.
Excerpt from the Tract: 1 Corinthians 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither… nor adulterers, nor effeminate… In other words, these people were doing the opposite of what God commanded them to do. Being men and having the command to act manly (1 Corinthians 16:13 Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong), they acted like women. For women, it is the command of God that they act feminine, to be womanly. To seem feminine, these perverts usually use a dress or skirt, and they never use pants, because they know that by using pants they identify themselves being masculine, and using skirts and dress with being feminine. But it seems like an impossible thing to fathom, but even homosexuals know exactly how to identify as a woman, men being feminine, in their rebellion, and Christian women can neither define what it is that God commands them to be, how to dress themselves as women, neither how to act feminine.
How do you distinguish between a man and a woman? Pants in a man, and dress or skirt in a woman. Even common bathroom signs show this obvious point. The question is not how a woman dress should, but why don’t women, especially Christian women, dress like a woman should. It is not a matter of clarity, but a matter of no desire on the part of certain women. Are you a feminine woman? If not, why not?
Read the Tract: fam62 How to be a Feminine Woman