Ironside Not Wrath but Rapture
By Dr. Harry Ironside

In this brief work (5 Chapters) by Ironside (Brethren), he presents us reasons why the Church will be raptured before the tribulation. His chapters run what is meant by the term “Great Tribulation”, It is not the time of the Church’s trouble, will saints be kept from the hour of temptation? which saints will be in the Great Tribulation? What is our Blessed Hope?

TABLE OF CONTENTS of Ironside Not Wrath but Rapture

1. What is Meant by the term “The Great Tribulation”
2. It is not the time of the Church’s Trouble.
3. Will Saints be kept from the hour of Temptation?
4. Which Saints will be in the Great Tribulation?
5. What is our Blessed Hope?

More Modules on the Rapture

fam48 Men are God's Agents
is a tract about how God uses men as his principle workers of His will, looking at man as God wants him to be. Manhood and the husband-wife relationship.
Excerpt: Women find their task from God in their social relationship with their husband and with training their children in the ways of God.
Download: fam48 Men are God's Agents

Baxter Directions for a Peaceful Death
is an article of 15 points on a Christian approaching his death and what he should be thinking about. This theme is good for the sick, but everybody should also meditate on these things. (Baxter is reformed).

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