Antichrist detected
A Sermon preached in St. Thomas’s Church, Birmingham.
by the Rev. William Marsh, D.D. Rector. 1841.
This is a very short 1 chapter work which is a 3 point sermon on the Antichrist. Marsh’s points are:
I. The characteristics of the opponents of Christ.
II. The best means of detecting them.
III. The evidence they afford to the truth of Christianity.
Moule Veni Creati is an old, well known work in studies in the Holy Spirit by Bishop (Anglican) H.G.C. Moule. It has 12 chapters. It is a deep treatment of the Holy Spirit. Although Moule was Anglican, his writings are well written and good.
theWord: Moule Veni Creati
MySword: Moule Veni Creati
ESword:Moule Veni Creati
Adobe Acrobat PDF: Moule Veni Creati
Suffering from temporary blindness, I have of late been obliged to preach without notes; but, at your request that it should be printed, I have dictated the substance of my Sermon on ANTICHRIST. The above must be my apology for any inaccuracies. I make, however, no apology for my subject. Though redeeming love be the theme on which I delight to dwell, yet I feel it to be my bounden duty to guard my people against selfdeception, and any prevailing error of the present day.
The signs of the times are not to be overlooked, and as the victory of the truth approaches, the enemy of the truth will assume every form to deceive the unwary.
Happy are they who are preserved in the simplicity of the Gospel. My prayer for you is, that being justified by Faith, you may have peace with God, bear fruit unto holiness, and have for your end everlasting peace.
I am, Your affectionate Friend,
Nov. 4, 1841.
ev02 Created or Evolved? A Refutation of Evolution We look at why evolution is not science, but a misplaced faith.
Topics: Evolution violates the First Law of Thermodynamics (the law of Conservation of Energy). | Evolution violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics (dissipation of energy). | The Law of Bio-Genesis where life can only come from some other pre-existent life, thus only perpetuating its own type. | There is no evidence in the fossil registry that supports evolution. | The fossil registry has failed to document even a single “missing link” that would verify beyond doubt the link between ape and man. Java Man-Ape, Piltdown | Evolution fails to explain the existence of even a “simple cell.”
Read the Tract: ev02 Created or Evolved? A Refutation of Evolution.
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Old Carpenter Tools of his Trade is an explanation of why I, Pastor-Missionary David Cox, write my own materials like tracts, books, sermons, Sunday School material, etc. We produce the material that we use in our ministry and also for evangelism.
Read the short article: Old Carpenter Tools of his Trade.