Worth The Art of Candidating

The Art of Candidating a Hand-Book of the Minister’s Part in Establishing the Pastoral Relation
Copyright, 1907
By Horace Worth

This work is for pastors looking for a new church to pastor. 13 chapters on a pastor candidating for a new church. Some of his chapters are pastoral changes, school of candidating, resigning a pastorate, qualities of a good candidate, etc.

Contents of Worth The Art of Candidating

I. Introduction

II. Pastoral Changes

Dagg Manual of Theology
(and links to this work in various other formats).
Dagg Manual of Theology (MySword for Android)
Dagg Manual of Theology (theWord Bible Format)
Dagg Manual of Theology (esword format)
Dagg Manual of Theology (PDF Format)

III. The School of Candibating

IV. Resigning a Pastorate . 25

V. Qualities of a Good Candidate

VI. Gaining Information Concerning Vacant Pastorates

VII. Securing – a Consideration and a Hearing

VIII. Veil the Persons Whose Recommendation Will Have Influence

IX. The Candidate’s “General Attitude

X. Candidating Sermons General Prophetic Preparation

XI. Particular Characteristics of Candidating Sermons

XII. The Evening Service, Pastoral Prater, and Scripture Lesson

XIII. Conclusion


Worth, H. - The Art of Candidating (105 downloads )

ch49 The Biblical Pastor: The Biblical Duty
outlines the duties of a pastor.
Topics: Pastoral Watchcare | Threats to wicked Pastors | Spiritual feeding | Being a Watchman (warning and protecting) | Pastoral Visitation | Intercession by prayer | Pastoring because you love Christ.
Excerpt: The concept of “visit” or “visitation” refers to the pastoral duty (spiritual watchcare of others) in which he analyzes the problems to effect a remedy. This concept is basically “visit”. Jesus identified the true believer as a person which has the naturally emerging joy to serve and help others.
Read the tract: ch49 The Biblical Pastor: The Biblical Duty.

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