Chadwell If you are going to be a Shepherd, walk in the pasture

If you are going to be a Shepherd, walk in the pasture

by David Chadwell


This work of 16 chapters by David Chadwell (Church of Christ) examines various subjects for pastors pastoring a local church.

Evaluation by David Cox

This is a work for pastors in their ministry. I would recommend this work.

Baxter Directions for a Peaceful Death
is an article of 15 points on a Christian approaching his death and what he should be thinking about. This theme is good for the sick, but everybody should also meditate on these things. (Baxter is reformed).

Chapter Content on Chadwell If you are going to be a Shepherd, walk in the pasture

1. The Objective Of A Congregation’s Leadership
2. Who Are You To Write About This?
3. The Desire For Relevance In Society and Culture
4. Spiritual Basics In A Consumer Society
5. Avoiding Oversimplification and Acknowledging Complexity
6. Admitting the Voids In Typical Concepts of Congregational Leadership
7. Forms of First-Century Leadership
8. Comparing and Contrasting 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9
9. When A Congregation Selects Leaders
10. Practical Challenges Confronting Congregational Leaders
11. Challenges Facing People In the Congregation
12. The Sense of Togetherness
13. Helping and Hurting Christians As God’s Family
14. Faith: Trusting God’s Work In Jesus
15. Practical Observations
16. Why?

Church of Christ

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fam42 The Foolish Child
explains what the Bible teaches on fools and foolishness, and also a parent's solution to a foolish child.
Excerpts: Ecclesiastes 4:13 Better is a poor and a wise child than an old and foolish king, who will no more be admonished. A fool is a person who rejects advice.
We can define the concept of foolishness as the lack of values and vision toward eternity, toward spiritual things. In other words, this person lives focusing on things that the person wants, and he does not pay attention to what God says as being important, or how God says we should live.
Proverbs 18:2 A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself.
The basis of being wise is that you do not limit yourself, to just what you think you know. A wise person opens his thinking to the wisdom and advice of others, and weighs others’ opinions to see if they are right or not. The foolish only considers what he himself thinks, or what other fools like him think.

View tract: fam42 The Foolish Child

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