Alarm to the Unconverted
Alarm to the Unconverted
by Joseph Alleine, 1671
Alarm to the Unconverted is an old work about conversion and the unconverted. It is a good clear short treatment of what conversion “looks like”, as well as what the unconverted “looks like”.
CONTENTS of Alarm to the Unconverted
Watchman Nee The Communion of the Holy Spirit is a 3 part, 15 Chapter work on various matters of the Holy Spirit. From the Deeper Life Movement
PDF:Watchman Nee The Communion of the Holy Spirit.
theWord:Watchman Nee The Communion of the Holy Spirit.
MySword:Watchman Nee The Communion of the Holy Spirit.
eSword:Watchman Nee The Communion of the Holy Spirit.
1. Introduction
2. MISTAKES about Conversion
3. NATURE of Conversion
4. NECESSITY of Conversion
5. MARKS of the Unconverted
6. MISERIES of the Unconverted
7. DIRECTIONS to the Unconverted
8. MOTIVES to Conversion
9. Conclusion
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pc56 Just Say no to Witchcraft! Understanding Witchcraft. we examine witchcraft in the light of the Bible, your will or accepting God's will.
Topics: What is Witchcraft? | How does one practice witchcraft? | The Importance of Rejecting Witchcraft | How do we reject it? | Conclusion.
Excerpt: We must worship that God, because He is our Creator, and we must seek his moral guidance in life, and for whatever matter that we need or want, we must go to Him first to see if it is what we should seek and ask God for (if it is His will for us). Having established this, witchcraft is to seek spirits or occult principles to get what we want (our own will).
pc56 Just Say no to Witchcraft! Understanding Witchcraft.
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