Adams Bertha and Her Baptism

Bertha and Her Baptism,
by Nehemiah Adams

This is a 11 chapter work on water baptism, written from a person’s view, but dealing with issues surrounding water baptism. It examines the biblical evidence about baptism. This work is kind of similar to “William the Baptist”  by James M Chaney (first published 1877).


Stalker The Preacher and His Models
Looks at the Preacher as a Man of God, a Patriot, a man of the Word, as a False Prophet, as a man, as a Christian, as an Apostle, and as a Thinker.
Read the Work: Stalker The Preacher and His Models.

Chapter 1. Probabilities of an Ordinance For Children, 9
Chapter 2. The Grandfather’s Letter.–the Nature, Grounds and Influence, of Infant Baptism, 16
Chapter 3. Public and Private Baptisms.–the Subjects and Mode of Baptism, 76
Chapter 4. is There Only One Mode of Baptism? 121
Chapter 5. Scenes of Baptism.–Reasonableness, Beauty and Power, of Infant Baptism.–Use of Special Vows.–Husbands at Baptisms.–Neglect of Baptism, 130
Chapter 6. Testimony of the Christian Fathers.–Apostolic Practice of Infant Baptism.–Ministerial Usages in Baptisms, 143
Chapter 7. Terms of Communion.–Non-Intrusion.–Denominational Courtesy and Kindness, 184
Chapter 8. The Road-Side Baptism, 198
Chapter 9. The Children of the Church.–Are They Members of the Church? 216
Chapter 10. Maternal Associations.–Constitution and Rules For Them.–a Christian Mother’s Questions to Herself, 255
Chapter 11. Baptism of the Sick Wife and Her Children, 272


This book, and that which is also named in the title-page, were written at the same time, and as one book; but they were afterward separated, as more properly constituting two volumes, the part which was the original of the present volume now being greatly enlarged. Thus the two books grew in the author’s mind together, from one and the same root,–the death of a little child.

calv01 Calvinism: What's the Truth?

v1.2 Calvinism: What’s the Truth? An honest explanation of why we are not Calvinists, and the problems with Calvinism for the Christian.
Topics: Total inability or Total Depravity? | Unconditional or conditional election? | Limited or unlimited atonement? | Perseverance of the Saints | Extreme Calvinism
Download: calv01 Calvinism: What's the Truth? v1.2.

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