Dagg Manual of Theology v. 1-2 is a theology work in 2 volumes by J.L. Dagg a Reformed Baptist. It is extensive, very ample presentation of doctrines.
Manual of Theology volumes 1 & 2 BY J. L. DAGG, D. D.
This is an extensive systematic theology by Baptist (reformed-Calvinist) Dagg.
Scofield Plain Papers on the Holy Spirit is a work of 5 chapters by the editor of the Scofield Bible, C.I. Scofield. He was a great biblical scholar. I am presenting this work in various formats.
PDF: Scofield Plain Papers on the Holy Spirit
theWord: Scofield Plain Papers on the Holy Spirit
eSword: Scofield Plain Papers on the Holy Spirit
MySword: Scofield Plain Papers on the Holy Spirit
Manual of Theology
Manual of Theology
BY J. L. DAGG, D. D.
The doctrine which is according to godliness -1 Tim 6:3
Transcribed by Dan Adkins, Gordon Woods, and Barry Sewell
Proofread by Cindy Kemp
Converted to HTML by Cameron Riviere
Converted to Topic file for E-Sword by David Cox (davdcoxmex@gmail.com)
Footnotes with Bible references are reincorporated into text body -DCox.
Read Dagg Manual of Theology online
Table of Contents of Manual of Theology
00.01 Preface
00.02 Autobiography of Dagg
01.01 Ch 1–The Obligation
01.02 Ch 2–Sources of Knowledge
01.03 Appendix–Origin and Authority of the Bible
02.01 Introduction–Duty of Love to God
02.02 Ch 1 –Existence of God
02.03 Ch 2 –Attributes of God
Section 1. Unity
Section 2. Spirituality
Section 3. Immensity, Omnipresence
Section 4. Eternity and Immutability
Section 5. Omniscience
Section 6. Omnipotence
Section 7. Goodness
Section 8. Truth
Section 9. Justice
Section 10. Holiness
Section 11. Wisdom
02.04 Conclusion
More works on Theology Proper
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- Macculloch, J. – The Attributes of God
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- Dagg Doctrine of God
- Boettner The Trinity
- Best God is Love
- Bates Harmony Of Divine Attributes in Man’s Redemption
- Alford – Scriptural Doctrine of the Trinity
03.01 Introduction–Duty of Delighting in the Will and Works of God
03.02 Ch 1 –Will of God
03.03 Ch 2 –Creation
03.04 Ch 3 –Providence
Section 1. Preservation
Section 2. Government in general
Section 3. Natural Government
Section 4. Moral Government
Section 5. Free Agency
Section 6. Moral Necessity
Section 7. Designs of Providence
Section 8. Providence over Sin
03.05 Conclusion
04.01 Introduction–Duty of Repentance
04.02 Ch 1 –Original State of Man
04.03 Ch 2 –The Fall
04.04 Ch 3 –Man’s Present State
Section 1. Actual Sin
Section 2. Depravity
Section 3. Condemnation
Section 4. Helplessness
04.05 Conclusion
05.01 Introduction–Duty of Believing in Jesus Christ
05.01 Ch 1 –Person of Christ
Section 1. Humanity
Section 2. Divinity
Section 3. Union of Natures
05.02 Ch 2 –States of Christ
Section 1. Original Glory
Section 2. Humiliation
Section 3. Exaltation
05.04 Ch 3 –Offices of Christ
Section 1. Prophet
Section 2. Priest
Section 3. King
05.05 Conclusion
More Works on the Doctrine of Christ | Christology
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- Talmage, J.E. – Jesus the Christ (Mormon views)
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- Morgan, G.C. – The Teaching of Christ
- Morgan, G.C. – The Purposes of the Incarnation
- Morgan, G.C. – The Purpose Of The Advent
- Marshall, E.A. – Jesus Christ, the Missionary
- Mackay, W.P. – Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ
- Machen, J.G. – On the Deity of Christ
- Machen Virgin Birth of Christ
06.01 Introduction–Duty of Living and Walking in the Holy Spirit
06.02 Ch 1 –Personality of the Holy Spirit
06.03 Ch 2 –The Divinity of the Holy Spirit
06.04 Ch 3 –Office of the Holy Spirit
06.05 Conclusion
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- Wight Satan His past present future
07.01 Introduction–Duty of Gratitute for Divine Grace
07.02 Ch 1 –The Trinity
07.03 Ch 2 –Covenant of Grace
07.04 Ch 3 –Blessings of Grace
Section 1. Pardon
Section 2. Justification
Section 3. Adoption
Section 4. Regeneration
Section 5. Sanctification
Section 6. Final Perseverance
Section 7. Perfection
07.05 Ch 4 –Sovereignty of Grace
Section 1. Election
Section 2. Particular Redemption
Section 3. Effectual Calling
07.06 Conclusion
More Works on the Doctrine of Salvation | Soteriology
08.01 Introduction–Duty of Preparing for the Future World
08.02 Ch 1 –Immortality and Separate State of the Soul
08.03 Ch 2 –Resurrection
08.04 Ch 3 –The Last Judgment
08.05 Ch 4 –Heaven
08.06 Ch 5 –Hell
08.07 Conclusion
More Works on the Doctrine of Last Things| Eschatology
- Mylne Day of Bereavement
- Moody Heaven
- Miller-Evidence from Scripture & History of Second Coming of Christ
- Mauro, P. – The Seventy Weeks and Great Tribulation
- Marsh, W. – Antichrist Detected
- Manton, T. – 18 Sermons on the Antichrist
- MacDuff, J.R. – A Book for the Bereaved
- Larkin Dispensational Truth
- Kelly Second Advent Before, not After, the Millennium
- Ironside Not Wrath but Rapture
- Ironside Fifty Pointed Questions Regarding After Death—What?
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- Cummins, R. – Gethsemane
- Cassels Christ and the Antichrist
- Bullinger, E.W. – Things to Come
http://www.founders.org/library/dagg vol1/all.html
BY J. L. DAGG, D. D.
That thou shouldst set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city.–Titus i. 5.
The rest will I set in order when I come.-1 Cor. xi. 34.
Entered, according to Act of Congress in the year 1858, by THE SOUTHERN BAPTIST PUBLICATION SOCIETY, In the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of South Carolina.
09.01 Preface
09.02 Introduction
09.03 Ch 1 –Baptism
09.04 Ch 2 –Local churches
09.05 Ch 3 –The Church Universal
09.06 Ch 4 –Infant Membership
09.07 Ch 5 –Communion
09.08 Ch 6 –Washing of feet
09.09 Ch 7 –Public Worship
09.10 Ch 8 –The Ministry
09.11 Ch 9 –Discipline
09.12 Ch 10 –Miscellaneous Topics
09.13 Conclusion–Duty of Baptists
09.14 Appendix
More Works on the Doctrine of Church| Ecclesiology
- Worth The Art of Candidating
- Unknown Acts 2 and the Purpose of Baptism
- Tydings Doctrine of Apostolic Succession, Refutation of
- Talyor, H. – A Ribband of Blue Missions
- Steele A Discourse Concerning Old-age
- Pendleton Church Manual designed for Baptist Churches
- Mylne Day of Bereavement
- Murray, A. – The Lord’s Table
- Moon, J.H. – Water Baptism
- Miller, S. – Ruling Elder
More Works on Baptism
- Wright, C.H.H – The Fatherhood of God
- Westminster Confession of Faith
- Unknown Acts 2 and the Purpose of Baptism
- Simmons A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrine
- Pollock The Holy Spirit of God
- Murray, A. – The Spirit of Christ
- Moule Veni Creati
- Morgan, G.C. – The Spirit of God
- Moon, J.H. – Water Baptism
- Mackie The Gift of Tongues
http://www.founders.org/library/dagg vol2/all.html
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- Dagg_Manual of Theology (MySword for Android)
- Dagg Manual of_Theology (theWord Bible Format)
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- Dagg Manual of_Theology (PDF Format)
fam62 How to be a Feminine Woman examines femininity from a Bible perspective. It compares homosexuals being feminine. Topics: God created us, man, and woman. | The Spiritual Fight is within us ourselves. | A Device of Satan A Device of Satan | The Homosexual and Trans Angle | Highlighting the Woman, How She Behaves | The Crux of the Matter | To Be a Feminine Woman, She must attend to her adorning. | The Description of a Woman.
Excerpt from the Tract: 1 Corinthians 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither… nor adulterers, nor effeminate… In other words, these people were doing the opposite of what God commanded them to do. Being men and having the command to act manly (1 Corinthians 16:13 Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong), they acted like women. For women, it is the command of God that they act feminine, to be womanly. To seem feminine, these perverts usually use a dress or skirt, and they never use pants, because they know that by using pants they identify themselves being masculine, and using skirts and dress with being feminine. But it seems like an impossible thing to fathom, but even homosexuals know exactly how to identify as a woman, men being feminine, in their rebellion, and Christian women can neither define what it is that God commands them to be, how to dress themselves as women, neither how to act feminine.
How do you distinguish between a man and a woman? Pants in a man, and dress or skirt in a woman. Even common bathroom signs show this obvious point. The question is not how a woman dress should, but why don’t women, especially Christian women, dress like a woman should. It is not a matter of clarity, but a matter of no desire on the part of certain women. Are you a feminine woman? If not, why not?
Read the Tract: fam62 How to be a Feminine Woman