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-- David Cox, Webmaster

Dagg Manual of Theology

Dagg Manual of Theology v. 1-2 is a theology work in 2 volumes by J.L. Dagg a Reformed Baptist. It is extensive, very ample presentation of doctrines.

Manual of Theology volumes 1 & 2 BY J. L. DAGG, D. D.

This is an extensive systematic theology by Baptist (reformed-Calvinist) Dagg.

Brown The Devil's Mission of Amusement
7 page article from 1889. Hollywood in the church and her ministries. Brown was a student of C.H Spurgeon.
Different days demand their own special testimony. The watchman who would be faithful to his Lord and to the city of his God needs to carefully note the signs of the times and to emphasize his witness accordingly. Concerning the testimony needed now, there can be little if any doubt. An evil is in the professed camp of the Lord, that is so gross, so brazen in its impudence, that the most shortsighted of spiritual men can hardly fail to notice it....  Amusement for the people is the leading article advertised by each... until the hideous fact has been proved up to the hilt, that "amusement" is ousting "the preaching of the Gospel" as the great attraction... The Concert is fast becoming as much a recognized part of church life as the Prayer Meeting; and it is already, in most places, far better attended.

"Providing recreation for the people" will soon be looked upon as a necessary part of Christian work, and as binding upon the Church of God, as though it were a Divine command, unless some strong voices are raised which will make themselves heard.

Read the 7-page article: Brown, The Devil's Mission of Amusement.

Manual of Theology

Manual of Theology
BY J. L. DAGG, D. D.

The doctrine which is according to godliness -1 Tim 6:3

Transcribed by Dan Adkins, Gordon Woods, and Barry Sewell
Proofread by Cindy Kemp
Converted to HTML by Cameron Riviere
Converted to Topic file for E-Sword by David Cox ([email protected])
Footnotes with Bible references are reincorporated into text body -DCox.

Read Dagg Manual of Theology online

Table of Contents of Manual of Theology

00.01 Preface
00.02 Autobiography of Dagg


01.01 Ch 1–The Obligation
01.02 Ch 2–Sources of Knowledge
01.03 Appendix–Origin and Authority of the Bible


02.01 Introduction–Duty of Love to God
02.02 Ch 1 –Existence of God
02.03 Ch 2 –Attributes of God
Section 1. Unity
Section 2. Spirituality
Section 3. Immensity, Omnipresence
Section 4. Eternity and Immutability
Section 5. Omniscience
Section 6. Omnipotence
Section 7. Goodness
Section 8. Truth
Section 9. Justice
Section 10. Holiness
Section 11. Wisdom
02.04 Conclusion

More works on Theology Proper


    03.01 Introduction–Duty of Delighting in the Will and Works of God
    03.02 Ch 1 –Will of God
    03.03 Ch 2 –Creation
    03.04 Ch 3 –Providence
    Section 1. Preservation
    Section 2. Government in general
    Section 3. Natural Government
    Section 4. Moral Government
    Section 5. Free Agency
    Section 6. Moral Necessity
    Section 7. Designs of Providence
    Section 8. Providence over Sin
    03.05 Conclusion


    04.01 Introduction–Duty of Repentance
    04.02 Ch 1 –Original State of Man
    04.03 Ch 2 –The Fall
    04.04 Ch 3 –Man’s Present State
    Section 1. Actual Sin
    Section 2. Depravity
    Section 3. Condemnation
    Section 4. Helplessness
    04.05 Conclusion

    05.01 Introduction–Duty of Believing in Jesus Christ

    05.01 Ch 1 –Person of Christ
    Section 1. Humanity
    Section 2. Divinity
    Section 3. Union of Natures
    05.02 Ch 2 –States of Christ
    Section 1. Original Glory
    Section 2. Humiliation
    Section 3. Exaltation
    05.04 Ch 3 –Offices of Christ
    Section 1. Prophet
    Section 2. Priest
    Section 3. King
    05.05 Conclusion

    More Works on the Doctrine of Christ | Christology


    06.01 Introduction–Duty of Living and Walking in the Holy Spirit
    06.02 Ch 1 –Personality of the Holy Spirit
    06.03 Ch 2 –The Divinity of the Holy Spirit
    06.04 Ch 3 –Office of the Holy Spirit
    06.05 Conclusion

    More Works on the Doctrine of Holy Spirit| Pneumatology


    07.01 Introduction–Duty of Gratitute for Divine Grace
    07.02 Ch 1 –The Trinity
    07.03 Ch 2 –Covenant of Grace
    07.04 Ch 3 –Blessings of Grace
    Section 1. Pardon
    Section 2. Justification
    Section 3. Adoption
    Section 4. Regeneration
    Section 5. Sanctification
    Section 6. Final Perseverance
    Section 7. Perfection
    07.05 Ch 4 –Sovereignty of Grace
    Section 1. Election
    Section 2. Particular Redemption
    Section 3. Effectual Calling
    07.06 Conclusion

    More Works on the Doctrine of Salvation | Soteriology


    08.01 Introduction–Duty of Preparing for the Future World
    08.02 Ch 1 –Immortality and Separate State of the Soul
    08.03 Ch 2 –Resurrection
    08.04 Ch 3 –The Last Judgment
    08.05 Ch 4 –Heaven
    08.06 Ch 5 –Hell
    08.07 Conclusion

    More Works on the Doctrine of Last Things| Eschatology vol1/all.html

    MANUAL OF THEOLOGY (Second Part)
    BY J. L. DAGG, D. D.

    That thou shouldst set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city.–Titus i. 5.
    The rest will I set in order when I come.-1 Cor. xi. 34.

    Entered, according to Act of Congress in the year 1858, by THE SOUTHERN BAPTIST PUBLICATION SOCIETY, In the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of South Carolina.

    09.01 Preface
    09.02 Introduction
    09.03 Ch 1 –Baptism
    09.04 Ch 2 –Local churches
    09.05 Ch 3 –The Church Universal
    09.06 Ch 4 –Infant Membership
    09.07 Ch 5 –Communion
    09.08 Ch 6 –Washing of feet
    09.09 Ch 7 –Public Worship
    09.10 Ch 8 –The Ministry
    09.11 Ch 9 –Discipline
    09.12 Ch 10 –Miscellaneous Topics
    09.13 Conclusion–Duty of Baptists
    09.14 Appendix

    More Works on the Doctrine of Church| Ecclesiology

      More Works on Baptism vol2/all.html


      Dagg-Manual-of-Theology.bok_.mybible (446290 downloads )

      Dagg Manual_of Theology in other Formats

      fam26 Wise advice for youth version 2.1
      is a tract for helping youth to consider the wisdom and guidance of their parents.
      Excerpt: Youth is a time of much energy, strength, and activity. They “get bored” very easily because they always want to go, move, have experiences, and do things (but they do not include work in these desires as a rule). To be quiet, calm, and have patience is not normal for youth. On the other hand, the “beauty” of age is its experiences and understanding (wisdom). (They have been down life’s road before and made all these mistakes themselves, in their own life.)
      Read the Tracts: fam26 advice for youth version 2.1.

      MySwordmodules is a website dedicate to the MySword Bible Program for Androird devices. We host MySword Modules.

      Most people buy a cup of coffee many times during a year. I spend my time and money writing good doctrinal content, and I am finding and formatting good old books for the Christian public to use in their studying the Bible. I have Bible college degrees where I have studied Greek and Hebrew. I have had donations over the years, but usually it is very little, like once every 6 months to once a year sometimes. One of my sites (I have 34 sites, about half are in English and the rest in Spanish) costs me about $10/month per site. Because the rent for having these sites on the Internet comes due every month, I have to pay it out of what me and my wife have to pay rent and food. Please consider a donation of any amount. Just a donation of the price of a cup of coffee can greatly help us with these costs and assure that new material is always coming.
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