Mackay, W.P. – Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ

Grace and Truth
Abridged Edition
By William P. Mackay, M. A.

Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.–John’s Gospel
Edition 1875

In this 6 chapter book by Mackay (Presbyterian), he presents us with 6 topics, Our Condemnation, Justification, Regeneration, Assurance, Comforter, and State. Note that this is the 1875 edition of the book, and that the 1881 edition has 12 chapters.

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Contents of Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ

Chapter 1 – “There is no difference”

Our Condemnation


Chapter 2 – Would You like to Be Saved?

Our Justification


Chapter 3 – “Ye Must Be Born Again”

Our Regeneration


Chapter 4 – Do You Feel Your Sins Forgiven?

Our Assurance


Chapter 5 – Work of the Holy Spirit

Our Comforter


Chapter 6 – Triumph and Conflict

Our State

Original Copyrite: ©Moody Press – Chicago

Public Domain

William Paton Mackay, 1839-1885

Julian’s account of W.P. Mackay:

William Paton Mackay, M.D., was born at Montrose, May 13th. 1839, and educated at the University of Edinburgh. After following his medical profession for a time, he became minister of Prospect Presbyterian Church, Hull, in 1868, and died from an accident at Portree, Aug. 22nd, 1885. Seventeen of his hymns are in W. Reid’s Praise Book, 1872. Of these the best known is “We praise Thee, O God, for the Son of Thy love” (Praise to God) written 1863, recast 1867.

Mackay’s hymn in ‘Spiritual Songs’ is no 483, “The Lord is risen: the Red Sea’s judgment flood”. This hymn is in all the editions of the Little Flock Hymn Book except 1856.

Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ

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