The Person of Christ
By F. E. Raven, J. B. Stoney,C. A. Coates and J. Taylor
The Person of Christ is a composition of four Brethren authors: Coates, Raven, Stoney, and Taylor, and their writings about the person of Christ.
• F. E. Raven – 1895:
The Person of the Christ
Two Points in Question
The Incarnation
His Person Unchanged
Titles and Names
Come to Scripture
• F. E. Raven:
A Letter – 1895
The Person of Christ
• J. B. Stoney: A Letter
• C. A. Coates: A Letter – 1926
• J. Taylor:
A Letter to CAC – 1929
The Spirit of Man – 1939
Burroughs Gospel Worship 14 chapters (263 pages) which are each a sermon on how to properly worship God. (format PDF)
“Jeremiah Burroughs’ Gospel Worship has greatly influenced my understanding of biblical worship. It is one of the most important books I have ever read.”
–R.C. Sproul
Download: Burroughs Gospel Worship.
Coates-Raven-Stoney-Taylor - The Person of Christ (37 downloads )Coates-Raven-Stoney-Taylor – The Person of Christ
salv58 Are there few who are saved? is a tract that questions that many people will be saved. Wide is the road to destruction and narrow is the road to heaven. "Narrow" has the idea that with difficulty and much energy, one will find that road. Those who are saved, have faith, not works as the basis for that salvation.
View Tract: salv58 Are there few who are saved?