The Person of Christ
By F. E. Raven, J. B. Stoney,C. A. Coates and J. Taylor
The Person of Christ is a composition of four Brethren authors: Coates, Raven, Stoney, and Taylor, and their writings about the person of Christ.
• F. E. Raven – 1895:
The Person of the Christ
Two Points in Question
The Incarnation
His Person Unchanged
Titles and Names
Come to Scripture
• F. E. Raven:
A Letter – 1895
The Person of Christ
• J. B. Stoney: A Letter
• C. A. Coates: A Letter – 1926
• J. Taylor:
A Letter to CAC – 1929
The Spirit of Man – 1939
Pollock Doctrine of Christ 2 John 1:9-11 is a single chapter work of 28 pages looking at different aspects of the Doctrine of Christ.
PDF: Pollock Doctrine of Christ
theWord: Pollock Doctrine of Christ
MySword: Pollock Doctrine of Christ
eSword: Pollock Doctrine of Christ
Coates-Raven-Stoney-Taylor - The Person of Christ (37 downloads )Coates-Raven-Stoney-Taylor – The Person of Christ
bs28 Do you live the Truth or Lies? is a tract about the Christian's relationship with truth and lies. We should seek to tell and live the Truth, and not falsehoods.
Topics: Under which Flag do you March? | Christians practice the Truth | The "truth" is Moral Principle | The "truth" is Moral Principle | To be the son of ... is to imitate such a person | A hypocrite is to say that you are something, but you live differently | Embracing Life is the only way.
Read the Tract: bs28 Do you live the Truth or Lies?.
MySwordmodules is a website dedicate to the MySword Bible Program for Androird devices. We host MySword Modules.
How Pastors can help their missionaries on Deputation is help from a veteran missionary of over 30+ years on his opinions and suggestions.
Topics: How Pastors can help their missionaries on Deputation | Money, Finances, and Expenses | "In-kind" helps | How Pastors can help their missionaries on Deputation continued | More Missionary Needs | A loaned Vehicle | More Articles on Missionary Helps.
Read the Article: How Pastors can help their missionaries on Deputation.