Athanasius On the Incarnation is a classic early work on the incarnation of Jesus Christ. It deals with the reason behind the incarnation, the working of salvation. This work was in answer to heresies rising against the divinity of Jesus Christ.

On the Incarnation

by St. Athanasius (c. 293 – 2 May 373)
CONTENTS of Athanasius On the Incarnation
Chapter 1  Creation and the Fall
Chapter 2  The Divine Dilemma and its Solution in the Incarnation
Chapter 3  The Divine dilemma and its Solution in the Incarnation (Continued)
Chapter 4  The Death of Christ
Chapter 5  The Resurrection
Chapter 6  Refutation of the Jews
Chapter 7  Refutation of the Gentiles
Chapter 8  Refutation of the Gentiles (Continued)
Chapter 9  Conclusion
Scripture Index
Athanasius – On the Incarnation
Athanasius – On the Incarnation is a classic early work on the incarnation of Jesus Christ. It deals with the reason behind the incarnation, the working of salvation. This work was in answer to heresies rising against the divinity of Jesus Christ.

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