Machen, J.G. – On the Deity of Christ

On the Deity of Christ
by John Gresham Machen

In this work by Machen, he first addresses the question of the deity of Christ, then he examines the Scriptures to see if they really teach this. Next, he examines Christ’s deity in the sermon on the mount, and what Christ Himself actually taught. Finally, he treats in three chapters the supernatural quality of Christ, His resurrection, and the testimony of Paul to Christ.

Table of Contents of On the Deity of Christ

I. What is the Deity of Christ?
II. Does the Bible Teach the Deity of Christ?
III. The Sermon on the Mount and the Deity of Christ
IV. What Jesus Said About Himself
V. The Supernatural Christ
VI. Did Christ Rise From the Dead?
VII. The Testimony of Paul to Christ

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