The Westminster Confession with Shorter and Larger Catechisms
by The Humble ADVICE of the ASSEMBLY OF DIVINES, Now by Authority of Parliament sitting at Westminster, Concerning A Confession of Faith: With the QUOTATIONS and TEXTS of SCRIPTURE annexed Presented by them lately to both Houses of Parliament.
Summary of Westminster Confession of Faith
This is the Westminster confession with Scriptures.
Chapter Content of Westminster Confession of Faith
Chapter I: Of the Holy Scripture
Chapter II: Of God, and of the Holy Trinity
Chapter III: Of God’s Eternal Decree
Chapter IV: Of Creation
Chapter V: Of Providence
Chapter VI: Of the Fall of Man, of Sin, and of the Punishment Thereof
Chapter VII: Of God’s Covenant with Man
Chapter VIII: Of Christ the Mediator
Chapter IX: Of Free Will
Chapter X: Of Effectual Calling
Chapter XI: Of Justification
Chapter XII: Of Adoption
Chapter XIII: Of Sanctification
Chapter XIV: Of Saving Faith
Chapter XV: Of Repentance
Chapter XVI: Of Good Works
Chapter XVII: Of the Perseverance of the Saints
Chapter XVIII: Of Assurance of Grace and Salvation
Chapter XIX: Of the Law of God
Chapter XX: Of Christian Liberty, and Liberty of Conscience
Chapter XXI: Of Religious Worship, and the Sabbath Day
Chapter XXII: Of Lawful Oaths and Vows
Chapter XXIII: Of the Civil Magistrate
Chapter XXIV: Of Marriage and Divorce
Chapter XXV: Of the Church
Chapter XXVI: Of the Communion of the Saints
Chapter XXVII: Of the Sacraments
Chapter XXVIII: Of Baptism
Chapter XXIX: Of the Lord’s Supper
Chapter XXX: Of Church Censures
Chapter XXXI: Of Synods and Councils
Chapter XXXII: Of the State of Men After Death, and of the Resurrection of the Dead
Chapter XXXIII: Of the Last Judgment
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The Westminster Confession with Shorter and Larger Catechisms (57 downloads )
Tract: bs54 Why do Arabs hate Jews? We explain this hatred in light of Satan hatred toward God and God's chosen people.
Topics: The Spiritual Battle | God Chose a People for Himself | Satan Hates God | Isaac against Ismael | The Prophetic Calendar | 1.) The Rapture of the Church | 2) The Beginning of the Seven Years of Tribulation. | The Battle of Armageddon | Lessons to Never Forget.
Excerpt: 1. God has everything under control. Things go according to His plans.
2. All of this is the beginning, and it will get worse.
3. The Christian hopes for the rapture, and we will leave.
4. The hatred of the world comes because we identify as God’s people, separate from sin, holy unto Him.
Read the Tract: bs54 Why do Arabs hate Jews?
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I am Pastor David Cox, the Webmaster of this site. I am an independent Baptist Missionary pastor working in Mexico City since 1984. Many churches reject a fundamentalist because we do not accept the many false doctrines that modern churches have in common. We believe the Bible, and we preach and teach it. I have written over 400+ tracts and more than 60+ books which are just an extension of my pulpit ministry. All are free. Please help us keep this good material on the Internet for the world.
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Thanks for this module for my Android. There’s an online version of the Westminister Confession of Faith’s Shorter Catechism (WSC) that is quite nice and has e-sword and TheWord downloadable modules available at