Anstey How to Master the Bible

Anstey How to Master the Bible
by Martin Anstey

Anstey How to Master the Bible is an introductory book on Bible study. It has a few general chapters on the Bible then 7 chapters on how to Study the Bible, and a a final 4 chapters on mastering the Bible and our relationship with the Bible (Wield the Bible, Enthrone the Bible, Defend the Bible).

A carpenter making his own tools
is an explanation of why I, Pastor-Missionary David Cox, write my own material. I like the idea of producing the material that we use in our ministry and also for evangelism.
Read the short article: A carpenter making his own tools.

CONTENTS of Anstey How to Master the Bible

1. How to Understand the Bible
2. How to Enjoy the Bible
3. How to Authenticate the Bible
4. How to Study the Bible:
4A. The Synthetic Method, or Bible Study by Books
4B. The Parallel Method, or Bible Study by Marginal References
4C. The Topical Method, or Bible Study by Topics
4D. The Typical Method, or Bible Study by Types
4E. The Cyclopedic Method, or Bible Study by Bible Dictionary
4F. The Microscopic Method, or Bible Study by Concordance
4G. The Explanatory Method, or Bible Study by Commentary
5. How to Master the Bible
6. How to Wield the Bible
7. How to Enthrone the Bible
8. How to Defend the Bible

Anstey How to Master the Bible

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explains the origin of Psychology with spiritist Jung, which had contact with a spiritual guide. Psychology is from a spiritist, who got the "science" of psychology (which is in no way a science or scientific) from a spirit, Philemon. (This is a demon speaking to a human, which is a medium, and prohibited in the Old Testament.) I analyze what Jung says with Scripture.
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pc85 Carl Jung and Psychology.

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