How We Got Our Bible

And Why We Believe It Is God’s Word
By W.H. Griffith Thomas
© 1926 The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. Copyright expired.
Published by Moody Press, Chicago, Illinois

In this twelve chapter book, Griffith-Thomas presents us with the origin of our Bible. He begin with the structure and history of the Bible, then the canonicity, authority, trustworthiness of the Bible. He then presents the unity of the Bible as a testimony to its divine origin, and then deals with the progressiveness of the Bible. He sums up with two chapters on the inspiration of the Bible, the interpretation of the Bible, and finally God’s purpose in giving us the Bible.

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Table of Contents of How we got our Bible

1. Structure and History of the Bible 9
2. Canonicity of the Bible 19
3. Authority of the Bible 27
4. Authority of the Bible — Continued 34
5. Trustworthiness of the Old Testament 48
6. Trustworthiness of the New Testament 56
7. Unity of the Bible 66
8. Progressiveness of the Bible 75
9. Inspiration of the Bible 86
10. Inspiration of the Bible — Continued 96
11. Interpretation of the Bible 107
12. Purpose of the Bible 118

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Appearing as a posthumous work of that dean of Bible teachers, Dr. W. H. Griffith Thomas (1861-1924), this volume should have a special appeal to all who knew and loved the author, or who are familiar with his earlier works. The Rev. W. Graham Scroggie has said that “the reading of Dr. Thomas’ books creates in one a deeper love of and desire for God as revealed in his Word,” and this is strikingly true of this clear and satisfying marshaling of evidence as to what the Bible is. These studies have appeared serially in the Friends’ Witness under the title, “The Book of Books.”

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