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Gray Inspiration of the Bible: Definition, Extent, & Proof

The Inspiration of the Bible: Definition, Extent, and Proof
By James M. Gray, D. D., Dean Of Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, Ill.
Author Biography: James M. Gray

This excellent short work on Inspiration has 4 chapters: definition of Inspiration, its extent, its proof, and finally difficulties and objections.

CONTENTS The Inspiration of the Bible 

The Inspiration of the Bible — Definition, Extent and Proof

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They deep freeze the ice cream ball, and coat it with batter only a few seconds before they deep fry it, and then only fry it for a few seconds.

1. Definition of Inspiration
2. Extent of Inspiration
3. Proof of Inspiration
A. The argument for the Old Testament
B. The argument for the New Testament
C. The argument for the Words
4. Difficulties and Objections

More from this category if available: Inspiration

In this paper, the authenticity and credibility of the Bible are assumed, by which is meant

(1), that its books were written by the authors to whom they are ascribed, and that their contents are in all material points as when they came from their hands; and

(2), that those contents are worthy of entire acceptance as to their statements of fact. Were there need to prove these assumptions, the evidence is abundant, and abler pens have dealt with it. Let it not be supposed, however, that because these things are assumed their relative importance is undervalued. On the contrary, they underlie inspiration, and, as President Patton says, come in on the ground floor. They have to do with the historicity of the Bible, which for us just now is the basis of its authority. Nothing can be settled until this is settled, but admitting its settlement which, all things considered, we now may be permitted to do, what can be of deeper interest than the question as to how far that authority extends? This is the inspiration question, and while so many have taken in hand to discuss the others, may not one be at liberty to discuss this? It is an old question, so old, indeed, as again in the usual recurrence of thought to have become new. Our fathers discussed it, it was the great question once upon a time, it was sifted to the bottom, and a great storehouse of fact, and argument, and illustration has been left for us to draw upon in a day of need.

For a long while the enemy’s attack has directed our energies to another part of the field, but victory there will drive us back here again. The other questions are outside of the Bible itself, this is inside. They lead men away from the contents of the book to consider how they came, this brings us back to consider what they are. Happy the day when the inquiry returns here, and happy the generation which has not forgotten how to meet it.

Formatted by David Cox (c) 2007
[email protected]

The inspiration of the Bible

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ev02 Created or Evolved? A Refutation of Evolution
We look at why evolution is not science, but a misplaced faith.
Topics: Evolution violates the First Law of Thermodynamics (the law of Conservation of Energy). | Evolution violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics (dissipation of energy). | The Law of Bio-Genesis where life can only come from some other pre-existent life, thus only perpetuating its own type. | There is no evidence in the fossil registry that supports evolution. | The fossil registry has failed to document even a single “missing link” that would verify beyond doubt the link between ape and man. Java Man-Ape, Piltdown | Evolution fails to explain the existence of even a “simple cell.”
Read the Tract: ev02 Created or Evolved? A Refutation of Evolution.

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