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12/18/2024 I am converting all of the zipped mySword modules on this site to straight *.bok.mybible formats. If you visit us from a cell phone, you do not have to unzip these files. I am also changing the format somewhat. I am getting away from individual descriptions, and just making library lists where you can directly download the files.
If you come across a post that doesn't have a download link, please post a note to me in the comments of that post (no download), and I will try to get the file uploaded and linked to that post. We have had glitches in the past, and some posts lost their downloads. Basically, I am taking down all posts (650 posts on the site), and checking each one to see if they have their download, and if not adding it. Most do not. Once I take it down, it will repost (1 per day) until I am caught up and can work on new posts. Note that MySword reads theWord modules and esword modules now, so use them if you have them. Check these sites and
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-- David Cox, Webmaster

Bryant, R. – Inspiration and Revelation

AT GRIMSBY, i4th JUNE, 1899 ….


Note: This is a republish from April 11, 2011 of this module. There were three chapters missing which I have found and added/updated.

Cummings Through the Eternal Spirit: A Biblical Study on the Holy Ghost is a 25 chapter work on the Holy Spirit from 1896. NT and OT verses. Some Chapters: 4. The Spirit in the Word, 7. Pentecost: What it was, and what it did, 9. What Pentecost was for the church, 10. Pentecost in relation to the individual believer now, 11. "Baptism in the Spirit:" His being received, His "falling" on men, and other expressions. 21. Power. 23. Temples of the Holy Spirit. 315 pages.
theWord Format: Cummings Through the Eternal Spirit
PDF Format: Cummings Through the Eternal Spirit
eSword Format: Cummings Through the Eternal Spirit
MySword Format: Cummings Through the Eternal Spirit

In this older work by Bryant, he begins with preliminary discussions on the Canon of the OT and NT, and the character of Scripture (divine-human), and errors of Scripture. He then turns to the inspiration of Scripture, and the Holy Spirit’s involvement in the production of Scripture, the prophets (and false prophets), and the writers of Scripture. The he turns to the Scriptures as inspired writings and what this means. Next he explores the revelation of Scripture by God. and the next section the evidences of revelation. In this chapter he deals with miracles and revelation. Finally he deals with the moral manifestion and its relationship with Scripture.

In this 86 chapter book on inspiration and revelation, Bryant (Methodist) has it divided into 5 parts: preliminary discussions (8 chapters), inspiration (13 chapters), The Scriptures as inspired writings (13), revelation (23), and revelation and its evidences (3). This book is a result of the Hartley lectures (Methodist) for 1899.


(1) Importance of the Subject discussed
(2) The Old Testament Canon
(3) The New Testament Canon
(4) The Higher Criticism
(5) The Bible as Literature
(6) Divine and Human Factors in Scripture
(7) Errors of Scripture
(8) Rise and History of the Mechanical Theory of Inspiration


(1) Inspiration and Revelation distinguished
(2) Inspiration of the Agents
(3) The Holy Spirit the Agent of Inspiration
(4) Prophets as Inspired Agents
(5) Prophetic Names and Titles
(6) False Prophets
(7) The How of the Prophets Inspiration
(8) Results of the Prophets Inspiration
(9) The Prophet as Writer
(10) The Apostles as Inspired Agents
(11) The Holy Spirit the Inspiring Agent
(12) The Apostles as Writers –
(13) Limitations of Inspiration


(1) Inspiration of the Writings based on Inspiration of the Writers –
(2) The Pentateuch Inspired
(3) Inspiration of Composite Scriptures
(4) Inspiration attested by the Unity, Harmony, and Purity of Scripture
(5) Inspiration claimed by the Scriptures –
(6) The Testimony of the Lord Jesus to the Inspiration of the Old Testament
(7) Christ Jesus and Modern Criticism
(8) The Witness of the Apostles to the Inspiration of the Old Testament
(9) The Double Sense of the Old Testament Scriptures
(10) The Inspiration of the New Testament Scriptures
(11) The Apostolic Witness to the Inspiration of the New Testament Writings
(12) Ancient Views of Inspiration –
(13) Modern Theories of Inspiration


(1) Revelation and Modern Theology
(2) Revelation: its Meaning and Purpose
(3) God as Revealer and the Revealed
(4) Revelation a Possibility and Reality
(5) Revelation Written
(6) Revelation and its Record
(7) Revelation Independent of the Record
(8) Revelation and its Method
(9) Revelation, Historical and Progressive
(10) Revelation and Israel s Early History
(11) Revelation and Ethnic Religions
(12) Pfleiderer s View Criticised
(13) Revelation and Mosaism
(14) The Leading- Truths of Mosaism
(15) Revelation under the Judges and Former Prophets
(16) Revelation and the Latter Prophets
(17) The Moral Character of God seen in His Covenant Relation to Israel
(18) Revelation and the Hagiographa
(19) Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Job, and Psalms
(20) Historical Revelation in the New Testament
(21) Revelation: Christ and the Gospels
(22) The Facts and Truths of the Gospel evidenced in the Teachings and Writings of the Apostles
(23) Christ Jesus the Completion of Revelation


More Modules from Bibliology Category

I. Miracles
(1) Miracles and the Manner of Divine Action
(2) Miracles, Probable and Necessary
(3) Revelation and Miracle Historical Aspects
(4) Miracle and the Religious Element
(5) Miracle, Evidential

II. Prophecy an Evidence of Divine Revelation

(1) Prophecy as Miracle
(2) Prophecy Considered as Evidence
(3) Prophecy and the Supernatural
(4) Prediction and Criticism
(5) Prediction and Fulfilment
(6) Prediction and Double-Meaning

III. Evidences Manifold Notably the Moral

(1.) The Witness of the Moral Character of Christ
(2.) The Divine Care and Preservation of the Scriptures
(3) Their Moral Power and Influence
(4) The Ideal of Christian Ethics
(5) Christian Morality is Scientific and Beneficial
(6) The Divine Authority of Scripture
(7) The Scriptures a Living and Abiding Word
(8) Christ and the Scriptures One Witness
(9) Concluding Observations

More Modules from Bibliology Category

bs44 The Blessing of God’s Presence
The Blessing of God’s Presence looks at how God's special presence brings great blessings to us, and how lost people in hell are lacking this. Topics: God is Omnipresent | The Presence of the Omnipresent God and the Actual Presence of God | Hell is to not sense any of the special presence of God | There are Great Blessing in the Presence of God | God is Love | Conclusion
See the Tract: bs44 The Blessing of God’s Presence

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