The Inspiration Of Scripture
by Loraine Boettner
This is a 6 chapter work on the inspiration of Scripture by Boettner (Presbyterian). He deals with the nature of inspiration, what the writers claim, the Holy Spirit’s influence in inspiration, the alleged errors of Scripture, the trustworthiness of the Bible, nad the plenary inspiration of the Bible.
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1. The Nature of Scripture Inspiration
2. The Writers Claim Inspiration
3. The Influence by which Inspiration is Accomplished
4. The Alleged Errors in Scripture
5. The Trustworthiness of the Bible
6. The Plenary Inspiration of the Bible
This book was first published in 1937, and reprinted in 1940. The present edition was published in 1947.
More Modules from Inspiration Category
- Griffith-Thomas, W.H. – How we got our Bible
- Gray Inspiration of the Bible: Definition, Extent, & Proof
- Bryant, R. – Inspiration and Revelation
- Boettner The Inspiration Of Scripture
- Arlandson, J.M. – Historical Reliability of the Gospels
- Alexander Authenticity Inspiration & Canonical Authority of Scripture
It is my understanding that works published between 1923-1963 have a 28 year first term of copyright, and IF RENEWED, they have an additional 47 years. On Sept 12, 2011, the,, and renewal databases were searched and no renewals were found in those databases for Loraine Boettner, much less this specific work.
More Modules from Bibliology Category
- Talbot, L.T. – Why Four Gospels? The Four-Fold Portrait of Christ
- Stalker, J. – How to Study the Bible
- McAfee A Study of the King James Version of the Bible
- Mauro, P. – Which Version? Authorized or Revised?
- Litke, S. – How We Got the Bible
- Kimble, E. – Prophetic Time Frame in the Day of the Lord Prophecies
- Kimble, E. – Hermeneutical Principles of Progressive Revelation
- Griffith-Thomas, W.H. – How we got our Bible
- Gray Inspiration of the Bible: Definition, Extent, & Proof
- Gaebelein, A.C. – The Harmony of the Prophetic Word
pc06 Suicide or something worse? We look at the causes of depression leading into suicide, and help from God and the Bible.
Excerpts: In Mark 5.2-5 there is a demon possessed person who day and night “cut himself with rocks.” In Matthew 17:15 we also see another demon working which seeks to force the person to commit suicide. The desire to harm yourself is a force of darkness, not from God. But the solution then is only found in God, in His love for you, and in His salvation. We should cast our cares upon Him, “for he careth for you” (1 Peter 5:7). By building a strong relationship with God we can get out of our problems. God will also give us strength and endurance through our problems. The only place of true happiness and joy is when one is in the will of God.
Topics: What causes a person to think about suicide? | What is depression? | Who is the King and Owner of your Life? | What is suicide? | How do I avoid ideas of suicide?
pc06 Suicide or something worse?.
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Old Carpenter Tools of his Trade is an explanation of why I, Pastor-Missionary David Cox, write my own materials like tracts, books, sermons, Sunday School material, etc. We produce the material that we use in our ministry and also for evangelism.
Read the short article: Old Carpenter Tools of his Trade.