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Wilkinson Our Authorized Bible Vindicated

Our Authorized Bible Vindicated
By Benjamin Wilkinson

This is a historic work on the authorized version (16 chapters) by Wilkinson (Seventh Day Adventist). He examines and presents a defense of the KJV Bible which is a foundational document in this movement (although they don’t want to recognize Wilkinson’s affiliation with the SDA church).

Old Carpenter Tools of his Trade
is an explanation of why I, Pastor-Missionary David Cox, write my own materials like tracts, books, sermons, Sunday School material, etc. We produce the material that we use in our ministry and also for evangelism.
Read the short article: Old Carpenter Tools of his Trade.

1. Fundamentally, Only Two Different Bibles
2. the Bible Adopted by Constantine and the Pure Bible of the Waldenses
3. the Reformers Reject the Bible of the Papacy
4. The Jesuits and the Jesuit Bible of
5. The King James Bible Born Amid the Great Struggles Over the Jesuit Version
6. Comparisons to Show How the Jesuit Bible Reappears in the American Revised Version
7. Three Hundred Years of Attack On the King James Bible
8. How the Jesuits Captured Oxford University
9. Westcott and Hort
10. Revision at Last
11. Blow After Blow Against the Truth
12. Blow After Blow in Favor of Rome
13. Catholics Rejoice That the Revised Version Vindicates Their Catholic Bible

More Articles on

14. The American Revision Committee:Its Influence Upon the Future of America
15. The Rising Flood of Modernism and Modern Bibles
16. Conclusion Chapter – Fundamentally, Only Two Different Bibles




This volume is written in the fervent hope that it will confirm and establish faith in God’s Word, which through the ages has been preserved inviolate.

In these days when faith is weakening and the Bible is being torn apart, it is vital that we enter into fields which can yield up their evidence of how God, through the centuries, intervened to transmit to us a perfect Bible.

Much of the material given in this book was collected in response to the needs of the author’s classroom work. In pursuing this line of study, he has been astounded and thrilled to find in historical situations, where he least expected it, evidences of special intervention and special purposes of God with regard to His Holy Word. His faith in the inspiration of the Bible has been deeply strengthened as he has perceived how down through the ages God’s true Bible has constantly triumphed over erroneous versions.

With regard to the different versions, it is necessary, while confirming the glorious inspiration of the Bible, to warn the people against Bibles which include false books, and, especially at the present time, against the dangers of false readings in genuine books. There are versions of the Bible, prepared by men of scholarship, with certain books and readings we cannot accept. Such versions may be of use for reference or comparison. In certain passages, they may give a clearer rendering. But it is unthinkable that those who use such versions would be unwilling to have the public informed of their dangers.

This work has been written under great pressure. In addition to the author’s tasks in the Theological Department of the College, and his evangelical work as pastor of a city church, he wrote this book in response to urgent requests. It may be possible that there are a few technical mistakes. The author has strong confidence, however, that the main lines of argument are timely, and that they stand on a firm foundation.
It is possible to know what is the true Word of God. The author sends forth this book with a fervent prayer that it may aid the earnest seeker after truth to find the answer to this all-important question. B. G. WILKINSON Takoma Park, D.C., June, 1930.

More Modules from Bibliology Category

bs33 Equity and Responsibility Explains how God deals differently with different people, and not the same with everyone.
Topics:A Good Character Brings us to God | The Parable of the Talents | Showing Equity | Complaining About your Life
Excerpt: We should not think that God will give what is “just and right” in our eyes to everybody the same. God has the right to do with us as He wills, and He will give us what we deserve. Consider Job. Was what God did to Job “fair”? If God makes most people blind, “equality” would mean you want to be blind also? God does not treat everybody equally in giving out the things in this life, and praise God for this!
Read the Tract: bs33 Equity and Responsibility.

MySwordmodules is a website dedicate to the MySword Bible Program for Androird devices. We host MySword Modules.

Buy me a Cup of Coffee! To make an old Christian work into a PDF, a module for theWord, MySword, or eSword takes time. These works are scans from old books, and as such, I have to go through the text some dozen times looking for places where the OCR is incorrect, blurred, or just skipped something.

Text Editing.Then there are the old Bible references like John iii. 16. Many young Christians and even preachers do not know the Latin system for books of the Bible. I convert Roman numerals in these books to Arabic (iii. to 3).

I have had to invest days and days in writing macros to read a long text, and make substitutions (for the above, search for "iii" and replace with "3:"). Unfortunately, with Psalms you have to start with 150 in Roman numerals (CL) and work your way backwards. But using macros, it is almost instantaneous the next time I need this. Work smarter, not harder. All this takes time and patience, (and being smart enough to do it in a macro language) (as well as a lot of coffee) and then making the text into theWord or eSword, mySword or a PDF.

Please donate something to me once every 6 months or even once a year, even if it is only $5, so that I can pay my bills for hosting, and also keep things moving along. It costs me about $10 per month to keep a website on the Internet. My websites also contains ads which have links to my sermons, tracts, books, that I have written. These keep my works before visitors, even if they are not visiting the specific website where I have them stored. It is my own "web" internally of my own sites with links to good Christian literature. May God bless for your prayers and donations.

Take a look at a few of our tracts:
salv76 suffering should seek his Savior
- explains how we should react to problems and sufferings, we should seek the Savior.
pc15 How to fight against depression - we treat the problem of depression. Depression is not a physical disease, it is an emotional and spiritual disease that "bleeds over" and causes aggravation and physical consequences if not attended to at the spiritual-social-emotional level.
ch15 Congregating because we Love - a tract about why we attend church. Our relationship with our brethren in Christ is highly integrated with our salvation and our sanctification.
SSTeen1-01 Existence of God - Does God really exist? This is not a tract but a teen Sunday School Class that I wrote answering this important question.
fam48 Men are God's Agents - Men are God’s Agents to accomplish His Will, looks at man as God wants him to be. Manhood and the husband-wife relationship.