Foundations of Belief
by Arthur James Balfour
This book is an older type doctrines book dealing more with Naturalism, Reason, and other bases for belief, and not really dealing directly with doctrinal topics (like salvation, angels, God, etc).
Eighth Edition, Revised With A New Introduction And Summary
Longmans, Green, And Co. 91 And 93 Fifth Avenue, New York London And Bombay
Baxter Directions for a Peaceful Death is an article of 15 points on a Christian approaching his death and what he should be thinking about. This theme is good for the sick, but everybody should also meditate on these things. (Baxter is reformed).
[Notes Added For The First Time In This Edition Are Included In Square Brackets.]
Copyright, 1902,
By Longmans, Green, And Co. All Rights Reserved
1902 All Rights Reserved
First Edition,
February, 1895 Reprinted, March, April, May, June, And October, 1895, December, Revised, April, 1902
Chapter Content
Introduction Vii
Part Preliminary
I. Naturalism And Ethics 11
II. Naturalism And Esthetic 33
III. Naturalism And Reason 67
IV. Summary And Conclusion Of Part I 77
Part II Some Reasons For Belief
I. The Philosophic Basis Of Naturalism.. 89
II. Idealism; After Some Recent English Writings 137
III. Philosophy And Rationalism…. 163
IV. Rationalist Orthodoxy..182 Vi Contents
Part III Some Causes Of Belief
I. Causes Of Experience 193
II. Authority And Reason. 202
Part IV Suggestions Towards A Provisional Philosophy
I. The Groundwork 243
II. ‘ Ultimate Scientific Ideas ‘….261
III. Science And Theology 271
IV. Suggestions Towards A Provisional Unification 303
Appendix Beliefs, Formulas, And Realities…341
Summary 371
pc06 Suicide or something worse? We look at the causes of depression leading into suicide, and help from God and the Bible.
Excerpts: In Mark 5.2-5 there is a demon possessed person who day and night “cut himself with rocks.” In Matthew 17:15 we also see another demon working which seeks to force the person to commit suicide. The desire to harm yourself is a force of darkness, not from God. But the solution then is only found in God, in His love for you, and in His salvation. We should cast our cares upon Him, “for he careth for you” (1 Peter 5:7). By building a strong relationship with God we can get out of our problems. God will also give us strength and endurance through our problems. The only place of true happiness and joy is when one is in the will of God.
Topics: What causes a person to think about suicide? | What is depression? | Who is the King and Owner of your Life? | What is suicide? | How do I avoid ideas of suicide?
pc06 Suicide or something worse?.