Compendium of Positive Theology
by Johann Wilhelm Baier (1647-1695)
Edited by C. F. W. Walther, St. Louis, Concordia Publishing House, 1877 (Abridged).
The Baier/Walther Compendium served as the systematic theology textbook for the first few generations of Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod pastors. Written in Latin, it is a revised edition of a classic work by the Seventeenth Century Lutheran dogmatian Johannes Baier. This edition contains an english translation of the theses at the head of each chapter. Later editions will offer the full text of the work.
CONTENT Compendium of Positive Theology
T.R. Simmons A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrine is a Bible Doctrines book of 43 chapters. The author is (according to the Introduction) "systematic, Calvinistic, Baptist, and premillennial". I am offering this work in various formats:
PDF: Simmons A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrine.pdf
Microsoft Word DOCX: Simmons A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrine.docx
OpenOffice ODT: Simmons A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrine.odt
EPUB: Simmons A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrine.epub
theWord: Simmons A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrine.twm
eSword: Simmons A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrine.topx
MySword: Simmons A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrine.mybible
Chap. 1: On the nature and definition of theology
Chap. 2: On the principle of revealed theology, or on Sacred Scripture
Part 1
Chap. 1: On God
Chap. 2: On Creation
Chap. 3: On Angels
Chap. 4: On the image of God collected in the first creation of humans
Chap. 5: On the providence of God
Chap. 6: On eternal blessedness
Chap. 7: On death or eternal damnation
Chap. 8: On temporal death
Chap. 9: On the resurrection of the dead
Chap. 10: On the last judgment and the end of the world
Part 2
Chap. 1: On sin in general
Chap. 2: On original sin
Chap. 3: On actual sins
Part 3
Chap. 1: On the grace of God towards fallen humans, the first principle of our salvation
Chap. 2: On Christ, the principal and foundation of our salvation
Chap. 3: On faith in Christ
Chap. 4: On regeneration and conversion
Chap. 5: On justification
Chap. 6: On renewal and good works
Chap. 7: On the word of law and gospel
Chap. 8: On the sacraments in general
Chap. 9: On the sacraments of the Old Testament
Chap.10: On baptism
Chap.11: On the holy supper
Chap.12: On predestination and reprobation
Chap.13: On the church
Chap.14: On the ecclesiastical ministry
Chap.15: On the political magistrates
Chap.16: About the domestic state and society, and especially the state of marriage, parents, and masters
This text was translated by Rev. Theodore Mayes and is copyrighted material, (c)1996, but is free for non-commercial use or distribution, and especially for use on Project Wittenberg. Please direct any comments or suggestions to: Rev. Robert E. Smith of the Walther Library at Concordia Theological Seminary.
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Baier - Compendium of Positive Theology (76 downloads )
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