The Four Men
By James Stalker 1891
The Four Men
This is a series of 10 sermons by James Stalker, and the four men are the four views of man, how the world sees a man, how a close friend might see him, how he sees himself, and how God sees him.
Table of Contents of The Four Men
Chapter 1 – The Four Men
Chapter 2 – Temptation
Chapter 3 – Conscience
Chapter 4 – The Religion for Today
Chapter 5 – Christ and the Wants of Humanity
Chapter 6 – Public Spirit
Chapter 7 – The Evidence of Religion
Chapter 8 – Youth and Age
Chapter 9 – The Bible as Literature
Chapter 10 – The Religious Faculty
from The Four Men
Old Carpenter Tools of his Trade is an explanation of why I, Pastor-Missionary David Cox, write my own materials like tracts, books, sermons, Sunday School material, etc. We produce the material that we use in our ministry and also for evangelism.
Read the short article: Old Carpenter Tools of his Trade.
Stalker, J. - Four Men (103 downloads )
pc50 Narcissism versus Love explains how our world is very much like that described in the Bible as the last days. Narcissism is love of one's self, 2Tim 3:2-4. I describe a narcissistic person, and what the Bible says about them.
Extract and topics: But how do we really identify the narcissist? Many people are narcissists and don't know it... Lovers of their own selves. | Lovers of pleasure, not of God. | Covetous and Miserly. | Arrogant, Boasting, and Haughty. | Disobedient to parents, unthankful, and without natural affection. | Traitors (and truce breakers). | Traitors (and truce breakers). | Incontinent (implacable). | False Accusers | Biblical Love is the opposite | The Divine “Remedy” for Narcissism
Read and Download:pc50 Narcissism versus Love.
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