Quiet Talks on Prayer
by S. D. (Samuel Dickey) Gordon
Copyright, 1904, by Fleming H. Revell Company
In this 23 chapter work by Gordon (Congregational-Baptist), he examines prayer in four areas: The meaning and mission of prayer (4 chapters), hindrances to prayer (3 chapters), how to pray (5 chapters), and Jesus’ habits of Prayer (5 chapters).
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Contents of Quiet Talks on Prayer
I. The Meaning and Mission of Prayer
1. Prayer the Greatest Outlet of Power
2. Prayer the Deciding Factor in a Spirit Conflict
3. The Earth, the Battle-Field in Prayer
4. Does Prayer Influence God?
II. Hindrances to Prayer
1. Why the Results Fail
2. Why the Results are Delayed
3. The Great Outside Hindrance
III. How to Pray
1. The “How” of Relationship
2. The “How” of Method
3. The Listening Side of Prayer
4. Something about God’s Will in Connection with Prayer
5. May We Pray with Assurance for the Conversion of Our Loved Ones
IV. Jesus’ Habits of Prayer
1. A Pen Sketch
2. Dissolving Views
3. Deepening Shadows
4. Under the Olive Trees
5. A Composite Picture
Quiet Talks on Prayer Gordon, S.D. - Quiet Talks on Prayer (80 downloads )
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