From the Webmaster

12/18/2024 I am converting all of the zipped mySword modules on this site to straight *.bok.mybible formats. If you visit us from a cell phone, you do not have to unzip these files. I am also changing the format somewhat. I am getting away from individual descriptions, and just making library lists where you can directly download the files.
If you come across a post that doesn't have a download link, please post a note to me in the comments of that post (no download), and I will try to get the file uploaded and linked to that post. We have had glitches in the past, and some posts lost their downloads. Basically, I am taking down all posts (650 posts on the site), and checking each one to see if they have their download, and if not adding it. Most do not. Once I take it down, it will repost (1 per day) until I am caught up and can work on new posts. Note that MySword reads theWord modules and esword modules now, so use them if you have them. Check these sites and
If you can use these mysword modules in your Christian life and ministry, I need a big favor from you. I need you to pray for me. I sustain this website alone, out of my own living expense money. The Google Adsense ads have been adding to my income at the rate of 5 US cents per day for Google Adsense Ads as a daily total on 32 of my sites, all of them combined earn me a nickel per day except on bad days when it is less. I have been hacked continually, and these sites breakdown or are hacked, so I need your prayers. Please pray that God would protect this labor of love. If you cannot donate, please pray for me at least.
-- David Cox, Webmaster

Lexham English Bible [LEB]

The Lexham English Bible (LEB) New Testament


The Lexham English Bible (LEB) New Testament was published and released by Logos Bible Software in October 2010. It lists as General Editor W. Hall Harris, III. The Old Testament translation was completed in 2011.

According to its foreword, the translator’s intent was to achieve:

“unparalleled…transparency with the original language text…. It was produced with the specific purpose of being used alongside the original language text of the Bible. Existing translations, however excellent they may be in terms of English style and idiom, are frequently so far removed from the original language texts of scripture that straightforward comparison is difficult for the average user…. The ability to make such comparisons easily in software formats…makes the need for an English translation specifically designed for such comparison even more acute.”

The LEB is relatively literal and was derived from an interlinear translation of the Greek NT. An unusual feature of the LEB is the use of corner brackets to mark idioms in the English translation. Italics are used to indicate words supplied by the translator with no direct equivalent in the underlying Greek.
At its release, it only included the New Testament and was simultaneously offered for free use for Logos users as well as other popular software suites, including freeware such as e-Sword and The SWORD Project. These have since been updated to include the Old Testament. It can also be accessed in its entirety on websites listed below. The LEB is available under a very permissive license which allows royalty-free commercial and non-commercial use.


Download: Lexham English Bible [LEB]

Ross – Studies in the Book of Malachi

Studies in the Book of Malachi

Studies in the Book of Malachi
By Allen Ross

In this work 6 chapter work by Ross, he looks at the different sections of Malachi, God’s Faithful Covenant Love, Worship that God rejects, faithful teaching of God’s Word, profaning the Marriage Coven

ant, God’s justice, and faithfulness, preparing for the Day of the Lord.

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Lighthouse Bible [LHB]

Lighthouse Bible [LHB]


The Lighthouse Bible preserves the meaning, style, and words of the King James Version as far as possible while modernizing the language. Occasionally old words like “ye” and “thou” are left in. Verses that are in the KJV but left out in many modern versions have been included. This translation was done using the e-Sword software as well as online dictionaries of the English language. Factors taken into account in the translation process were the definitions of words in the KJV as found in old dictionaries, the way in which words and expressions are used elsewhere in the KJV, the underlying Hebrew and Greek and their English translations, and the context of the passage. Also, five Bible commentaries, those of Jamieson, Fausset and Brown, Barnes, Wesley, Clarke, and Matthew Henry, as well as the 1599 Geneva Bible Translation Notes, were frequently consulted for insight into the meaning of the passage.
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Ironside, H.A. – Addresses on the Song of Solomon

Addresses on the Song of Solomon 

by H. A. Ironside, Litt. D.

Author of “Notes on Hebrews,” “Lectures on Romans,” “Colossians,” “Revelation,” etc., etc.

Loizeaux Brothers, Inc. Bible Truth Depot

A Non-Profit Organization, Devoted to the Lord’s Work and to the spread of the Truth

Copyright @ 1933

A commentary on Song of Solomon.

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