Brief Study of the Tabernacle
by Ellisworth Archer.
This is a simple study on different elements of the Tabernacle: Alter of Incense, Alter of Burnt Offering, Ark of the Covenant, Ten Commandment, Pot of Manna, Aaron’s Rod, layout of the camp around the Tabernacle, the Golden candlestick, the Court, the Laver, the Priesthood, Table of Shewbread, other furniture in the Tabernacle.
Version 1.1 tagging added
Table of Contents of Archer Brief Study of the Tabernacle
1. Alter of Incense, The
2. Alter of Burnt Offering, The
3. Ark of the Covenant, The
3. Ten Commandments, The
4. Pot of Manna, The
5. Aaron’s Rod
6. Camp, Plan of The
7. Candlestick, The Golden
8. Court, The
9. Conclusion
10. Laver, The
11. Priesthood, The
12. Tabernacle, The
13. Tabernacle and its Furniture
14. Table of Shewbread
Archer Brief Study of the Tabernacle