The Preacher and His Models
The Yale Lectures On Preaching, 1891
on Preacher and His Models
by the Rev. James Stalker, D.D.
Copyright, 1891, by a.C. Armstrong & Son.
Summary of Preacher and His Models
In this 9 chapter work, Stalker (Scottish Presbyterian) profiles a biblical preacher as a Man of God, a Patriot, a man of the Word, a False Prophet, a Man, a Christian, an Apostle, a Thinker, and then ends with an appendix “An Ordination charge.” Preacher and His Models
Chapter Content of Preacher and His Models
Lecture 1. Introductory
Lecture 2. The Preacher as a Man of God
Lecture 3. The Preacher as a Patriot
Lecture 4. The Preacher as a Man of the Word
Lecture 5. The Preacher as a False Prophet
Lecture 6. The Preacher as a Man
Lecture 7. The Preacher as a Christian
Lecture 8. The Preacher as an Apostle
Lecture 9. The Preacher as a Thinker
Appendix 1. An Ordination Charge