My Brother’s Keeper
by James Alexander (1838)

Letters from James Alexander (1804—1859) to his younger brother, on the virtues and vices, the duties and dangers of youth.


Moule Veni Creati
is an old, well known work in studies in the Holy Spirit by Bishop (Anglican) H.G.C. Moule. It has 12 chapters. It is a deep treatment of the Holy Spirit. Although Moule was Anglican, his writings are well written and good.
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Adobe Acrobat PDF: Moule Veni Creati

1 Reading the Scriptures
2 Gratitude to Parents
3 Life is Short
4 Vacations
5 Amusements
6 Bodily Exercise
7 Early Rising
8 The Habit of Diligence
9 Learning Something Every Hour
10 Three Self-taught Scotch Lads
11 Formation of Habits
12 Dangers of Evil Companions
13 Friendships
14 Good Example
15 Truth and Falsehood
16 Manly Independence
17 False Shame
18 Evil Speaking
19 Benevolence
20 Secret Prayer
21 The Great Concern

bs33 Equity and Responsibility Explains how God deals differently with different people, and not the same with everyone.
Topics:A Good Character Brings us to God | The Parable of the Talents | Showing Equity | Complaining About your Life
Excerpt: We should not think that God will give what is “just and right” in our eyes to everybody the same. God has the right to do with us as He wills, and He will give us what we deserve. Consider Job. Was what God did to Job “fair”? If God makes most people blind, “equality” would mean you want to be blind also? God does not treat everybody equally in giving out the things in this life, and praise God for this!
Read the Tract: bs33 Equity and Responsibility.

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