Morningstar, M. – Reaching Children


By Mildred Morningstar
Copyright © 1944
153 Institute Place Chicago, Ill

In this work by Mrs. Morningstar, she has 9 chapters about child evangelism, memory work, praying, story telling, flannelgraph, etc.

Table of Contents of Morningstar, M. – Reaching Children

1. Inviting the Child to Christ
2. Making Memory Work Interesting
3. Teaching the Child to Pray
4. Telling the Story
5. Songs For Children
6. The Flannelgraph
7. Meetings For Children
8. The Teacher and Discipline
9. Building Attendance

Why do I Attend Church? Biblical Reasons for attending and participating in Church.

Description: Salvation, in part, is communing with the saints.
TOPICS: Salvation is to be part of the Redeemed | Who do you get together with? | What do you declare with your actions? | God's Worship | God's Praise | The Sacrifices: Singing with Joy | The Sacrifices: The Offerings | The Sacrifices: The Prayer | A Community of Perfect Love (Fraternal Love) | Serving the Brethren | Heavenly Clothes: Good Works Here.
Read/Download the Tract:
Why do I Attend Church? Biblical Reasons for attending and participating in Church

More Tracts on Attendance, Participation in Church:
Ch09 Our One another Relationship
ch15 Congregating because we Love
ch17 Why do I Attend Church?
ch28 Difference between sheep and goats?

Burroughs Gospel Worship
14 chapters (263 pages) which are each a sermon on how to properly worship God. (format PDF)
“Jeremiah Burroughs’ Gospel Worship has greatly influenced my understanding of biblical worship. It is one of the most important books I have ever read.” –R.C. Sproul
Download: Burroughs Gospel Worship.

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