From the Webmaster

12/18/2024 I am converting all of the zipped mySword modules on this site to straight *.bok.mybible formats. If you visit us from a cell phone, you do not have to unzip these files. I am also changing the format somewhat. I am getting away from individual descriptions, and just making library lists where you can directly download the files.
If you come across a post that doesn't have a download link, please post a note to me in the comments of that post (no download), and I will try to get the file uploaded and linked to that post. We have had glitches in the past, and some posts lost their downloads. Basically, I am taking down all posts (650 posts on the site), and checking each one to see if they have their download, and if not adding it. Most do not. Once I take it down, it will repost (1 per day) until I am caught up and can work on new posts. Note that MySword reads theWord modules and esword modules now, so use them if you have them. Check these sites and
If you can use these mysword modules in your Christian life and ministry, I need a big favor from you. I need you to pray for me. I sustain this website alone, out of my own living expense money. The Google Adsense ads have been adding to my income at the rate of 5 US cents per day for Google Adsense Ads as a daily total on 32 of my sites, all of them combined earn me a nickel per day except on bad days when it is less. I have been hacked continually, and these sites breakdown or are hacked, so I need your prayers. Please pray that God would protect this labor of love. If you cannot donate, please pray for me at least.
-- David Cox, Webmaster

Betts, G.H. – How to Teach Religion


Principles and Methods
Sunday School Lesson, Sunday School Lesson for kids

How to Teach Religion is a book on how to teach religion for Christian educations (Sunday School Lesson, Sunday School Lesson for kids).


Buy me Steak Taco!
You know, I work hard at my websites trying to provide you with good material that is sound doctrinally-speaking and of interest to God's people. It is hard work, but I don't mind doing it, and I feel called to the ministry, and God will bless me after all is said and done. But in the meantime, I do need to cover my expenses. I have a total of 34 websites (half English and half Spanish), and each one costs about $10 per month to keep up. That does not take into consideration my time and effort in writing content. Won't you consider at least a one time donation to this ministry of $10 or $20 dollars? It would be really great if you could gift me and my wife this money so that we could enjoy eating out at least once in a while. (I pay the expenses for these sites out of our living expenses.) God will richly bless you and repay you for your generosity. 1 Timothy 5:18 For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward. If you received some value from my websites, consider at lest a small donation. A big donation would really be nice, too though.
Donate to David Cox Ministries.

In this work, educator Betts (Methodist Episcopal) explains how a person teaches religion. He begins with the person of the teacher, then the great objective, a fourfold foundation (right aims, material, organization, and presentation), religious knowledge, religious attitude, connecting instruction with life and conduct, the subject matter of religious education, organization of the material, the technique, making truth vivid, types of teaching, and methods, etc. His work is directed at helping the teacher to be a better teacher for the glory of God.



Importance of the teacher–Three types of teachers–The personal factor in teaching religion–Developing the power of personality–The cultivatable factors in personality–A scale for determining personality–The teacher’s mastery of subject-matter–Methods of growth–Fields of mastery demanded–Service and rewards–Problems and questions.


Two great objectives in teaching–Making sure of the greater objective–Teaching children _versus_ teaching subject-matter–Subject-matter as a means instead of an end–Success in instruction to be measured in terms of modified life, not of material covered–The goal of a constantly developing Christian character and experience–Problems for discussion.


What the fourfold foundation consists of: (1) right aims, (2) right materials to reach these aims, (3) right organization of this material for instruction, (4) right presentation in instruction–The aim of teaching religion is (1) fruitful knowledge, (2) right religious attitudes and growing consciousness of God, (3) power and will to live righteously–Selecting subject-matter to meet these ends–Principles of organization of material–The problem of effective presentation–Questions for discussion.


Not all religious knowledge of equal value–What determines value of knowledge–Kind of knowledge needed by child–Developing the child’s idea of God–Harm from wrong concepts of God–Giving the child the right concept of religion–The qualities by which religion should be defined to the child–The child’s knowledge of the Bible; of the church; of religious forms of expression–Problems and questions.


The meaning of religious attitudes–These attitudes lie at the basis of both motives and character–Importance of the pupil’s attitudes toward the church school and class–Enjoyment of the lesson hour and the growth of loyalty–The sense of mastery necessary to mental and spiritual growth–The grounding of a continuous interest in the Bible and religion–Growth in spiritual warmth and responsiveness–The cultivation of ideals–The training of fine appreciations–Worthy loyalties and devotions–Clearness of God-consciousness–Questions and problems.


Religious instruction must carry across to life and conduct–Hence necessity of finding practical outlet in expression for feelings, ideals, emotions and attitudes resulting from instruction–The setting up of certain religious habits–Expression in connection with the life of the church–Expression in the home life–Expression in the community and public school life–Expression in worship and the devotional life–Problems for discussion.


The Bible the great source-book of religious material–Yet much material other than biblical required–Principles for the selection of material from the Bible–Biblical material for early childhood; for later childhood; for adolescence–Story material and its sources–Materials from nature–Materials from history and biography–Picture material for religious teaching–Religious music for children–Questions and problems.


Four different types of organization–Organization applied (1) to the curriculum as a whole, (2) to individual lessons–Haphazard organization–Logical organization–Chronological organization–Psychological organization–Three types of curriculum organization: (1) Uniform lessons, (2) Graded lessons, (3) text books of religion–Organizing daily lesson material–Typical lesson plans–Problems for discussion.


Teaching that sticks–Attention the key–Types of appeal to attention–The control of interest–Interest and action–Variety and change as related to interest–Social contagion of interest–The prevention of distractions–The control of conduct–Danger points in instruction–Establishing and maintaining standards–Questions and problems.


Vividness of impression necessary to lasting value–The _whole_ mind involved in religion–Learning to think in religion–Protecting children against intellectual difficulties–The appeal of religion to the imagination–Guiding principles for the religious imagination–The use of the memory in religion–Laws of memory–How to memorize–Problems for discussion.


The several types of lessons for religious instruction–The informational lesson–The use of the inductive lesson–The deductive lesson in religion–The application of drill to religious teaching–The lesson in appreciation–Conducting the review lesson–How to make the lesson assignment–Questions and problems.


Methods of procedure for the lesson hour–The use of the topical method–Place and dangers of the lecture method–Securing participation from the class–The question method–Principles of good questioning–The treatment of answers–The story method–Guiding principles in story teaching–The teaching method of Jesus–Jesus the embodiment of all scientific pedagogy–Questions and problems.


Children can be brought to a religious character and experience through right nurture and training in religion. This is the fundamental assumption on which the present volume rests, and it makes the religious education of children the most strategic opportunity and greatest responsibility of the church, standing out above all other obligations whatever.

Further, the successful teaching of religion is based on the same laws that apply to other forms of teaching; hence teachers in church schools need and have a right to all the help that a scientific pedagogy permeated by an evangelistic spirit can give them. They also have the obligation to avail themselves of this help for the meeting of their great task.

This book undertakes to deal in a concrete and practical way with the underlying principles of religious instruction. The plan of the text is simple. First comes the part _the teacher_ must play in training the child in religion. Then the spiritual changes and growth to be effected in _the child_ are set forth as the chief objective of instruction. Next is a statement of the _great aims,_ or goals, to be striven for in the child’s expanding religious experience. These goals are: (1) fruitful _religious knowledge_; (2) right _religious attitudes–interests, ideals, feelings, loyalties_; (3) the _application of this knowledge and these attitudes to daily life and conduct_.

Following the discussion of aims is the question of just _what subject matter_ to choose in order to accomplish these ends, and _how best to organize_ the chosen material for instruction. And finally, _how most effectively to present_ the subject matter selected to make it serve its purpose in stimulating and guiding the spiritual growth and development of children.

The volume is intended as a textbook for teacher-training classes, students of religious education, and for private study by church-school teachers. It is also hoped that ministers may find some help in its pages toward meeting their educational problems.

Northwestern University,
Evanston, Illinois.

doct12 God incarnate
is a doctrinal tract about how Jesus is and always will be fully God, yet in time, he took on himself a human body through the Holy Spirit and Mary.
Topics: Definition of the Doctrine | Confusion about the Doctrine | The History of the Doctrine | The Humiliation of Jesus | The Kenosis of Jesus | The Divinity of Jesus | The Exaltation of Jesus | Why did God have to become man?
Read the Tracts: doct12 God incarnate.

MySwordmodules is a website dedicate to the MySword Bible Program for Androird devices. We host MySword Modules.

Buy me a Cup of Coffee! To make an old Christian work into a PDF, a module for theWord, MySword, or eSword takes time. These works are scans from old books, and as such, I have to go through the text some dozen times looking for places where the OCR is incorrect, blurred, or just skipped something.

Text Editing.Then there are the old Bible references like John iii. 16. Many young Christians and even preachers do not know the Latin system for books of the Bible. I convert Roman numerals in these books to Arabic (iii. to 3).

I have had to invest days and days in writing macros to read a long text, and make substitutions (for the above, search for "iii" and replace with "3:"). Unfortunately, with Psalms you have to start with 150 in Roman numerals (CL) and work your way backwards. But using macros, it is almost instantaneous the next time I need this. Work smarter, not harder. All this takes time and patience, (and being smart enough to do it in a macro language) (as well as a lot of coffee) and then making the text into theWord or eSword, mySword or a PDF.

Please donate something to me once every 6 months or even once a year, even if it is only $5, so that I can pay my bills for hosting, and also keep things moving along. It costs me about $10 per month to keep a website on the Internet. My websites also contains ads which have links to my sermons, tracts, books, that I have written. These keep my works before visitors, even if they are not visiting the specific website where I have them stored. It is my own "web" internally of my own sites with links to good Christian literature. May God bless for your prayers and donations.

Take a look at a few of our tracts:
salv76 suffering should seek his Savior
- explains how we should react to problems and sufferings, we should seek the Savior.
pc15 How to fight against depression - we treat the problem of depression. Depression is not a physical disease, it is an emotional and spiritual disease that "bleeds over" and causes aggravation and physical consequences if not attended to at the spiritual-social-emotional level.
ch15 Congregating because we Love - a tract about why we attend church. Our relationship with our brethren in Christ is highly integrated with our salvation and our sanctification.
SSTeen1-01 Existence of God - Does God really exist? This is not a tract but a teen Sunday School Class that I wrote answering this important question.
fam48 Men are God's Agents - Men are God’s Agents to accomplish His Will, looks at man as God wants him to be. Manhood and the husband-wife relationship.