A Comprehensive View of God’s Great Plan from Eternity to Eternity Illustrated with Chart
By Louis T. Talbot
Chancellor of Biola College and Talbot Theological Seminary
Copyright @ 1936
In this 15 chapter work by Talbot (BIOLA), he presents us with some thoughts on the history of man and God’s plan for him. Some of his chapters are earth’s earliest ages, the age of… conscience, human government, covenants, the law. The meaning of the cross, the resurrection and ascension, Christ in Glory, the church age, the translation of the church, the events of the sevenieth week, the return of Christ, the thousand year reign, and the reign of Christ on Earth.
TABLE OF CONTENTS of Talbot A Comprehensive View of God’s Great Plan from Eternity to Eternity
1. Earth’s Earliest Ages
2. Original Man – the Fall – the First Promise of a Redeemer
3. The Age of Conscience
4. The Age of Human Government
5. The Two Covenants
6. The Age of Law
7. The Meaning of the Cross
8. The Resurrection and Ascension of Christ and the History of the Righteous Dead
9. Christ in Glory – Our Great Priest
10. The Church Age
11. The Translation of the Church – the Judgment Seat of Christ – the Marriage Supper of the Lamb
12. The Events of the Seventieth Week of Daniel
13. The Return of Christ in Glory
14. The Thousand Years’ Reign of Christ On Earth
15. from the Reign of Christ On Earth to the Eternal State
Talbot A Comprehensive View of God’s Great Plan from Eternity to Eternity