Bonar Bible Thoughts & Themes v1. OTVolume 1. The Old Testament
by Horatius Bonar
Bonar Bible Thoughts & Themes v1. OT Each chapter is short (some 4 pages), but powerful and insightful. They are intended to be used as a DAILY DEVOTIONAL. Bonar travels through the Old Testament Scriptures visiting various people and situations.
CONTENTS of Bonar Bible Thoughts & Themes v1. OT
1. The Sin, the Sinner, and the Sentence.
2. Man’s Fig-Leaves.
3. The Way of Cain.
4. The Vision From the Rocks.
5. The Doom of the Double-Hearted.
6. Be Not Borderers.
7. Divine Longings Over the Foolish.
8. What a Believing Man Can Do.
9. Song of the Putting Off of the Armor.
10. The Kiss of the Backslider.
11. Human Remedies.
12. Spiritual and Carnal Weapons.
13. Divine Silence and Human Despair.
14. The Restoration of the Banished.
15. Diverse Kinds of Conscience.
16. Man’s Dislike of a Present God.
17. True and False Consolation.
18. Gain and Loss for Eternity.
19. Man’s Misconceptions of the Works of God.
20. The Two Cries and the Two Answers.
21. Deliverance From Deep Waters.
22. The Excellency of the Divine Loving Kindness.
23. The Sickness, the Healer, and the Healing.
24. The Consecration of Earth’s Gold and Silver.
25. The Speaker, the Listener, the Peace.
26. The Book of Books.
27. The Secret of Deliverance from Evil.
28. The Voice of the Heavenly Bridegroom.
29. The Love That Passes Knowledge.
30. The Day of Clear Vision to the Dim Eyes.
31. The Unfainting Creator and the Fainting Creature.
32. The Heritage and Its Title-Deeds.
33. The Meeting Between the Sinner and God.
34. God’s Love and God’s Way of Blessing.
35. Divine Jealousy For the Truth.
36. Divine Love and Human Rejection of It.
37. God’s Desire to Bless the Sinner.
38. The Resting-Place Forgotten.
39. The Day That Will Right All Wrongs.
40. False Religion and Its Doom.
41. No Breath No Life.
42. Every Christian a Teacher.
43. Work, Rest, and Recompense.
44. Human Heedlessness and Divine Remembrance.
45. Lies the Food of Man.
46. The Love and the Calling.
47. The Anger and the Goodness.
48. Darkness Pursuing the Sinner.
49. Looking to the Pierced One.
50. The Holiness of Common Things.
51. Wearying Jehovah With Our Words.
Burroughs Gospel Worship 14 chapters (263 pages) which are each a sermon on how to properly worship God. (format PDF)
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Bonar Bible Thoughts & Themes v1. OT
Helpful Tracts for Church Problems Spiritual Watchcare is about church leadership taking spiritual care of the members of their church. Job description, administration, etc.
This study is about what the Bible says to those in the care of spiritual oversight of a local church, and the link here is to tracts for those who are considering different aspects of this.
Select the topics you want to see: (clicking on the links below will open them in another tab in your browser)
- ch22 Pastorless Flocks
- ch45 Grading, a Bible Teacher
- ch39 What should we preach? Sermon topics
- ch23 Paying the Pastor
- ch24 The power of an example
- ch16 Example of the man of God
- ch51 Cowboys versus Shepherds
- ch55 Who runs the Local Church?
- ch64 The Church is not a Circus
- ch31 3Bs of success: buildings, bodies, and bucks
- ch38 Recognizing a good pastor
- ch41 The marks of a bad minister
- ch14 Finding a good church
- ch18 Supporting your Pastor
- ch30 The man of God must not be contentious
- ch19 Marks of a False Prophet
- ch26 Don’t touch the anointed of God
- ch42 Destitution of Pastor
- ch43 Time to leave your church? (for church members)
- ch34 Brethren, we must not fight!
- ch17 Why do I Attend Church?
- ch09 Our One another Relationship
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David Cox Internet Ministries
David Cox Internet Ministries This post is an update on how our Internet Ministries are moving along, or our reach to the world. It contains some statics for the last 30 days before September 14th, 2023. If you are interested in knowing about our outreach via our Internet websites, please visit this page.
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