The School of Christ
by T. Austin-Sparks
A series of addresses.
In this 8 chapter work by Austin-Sparks (Deeper Life Movement), Austin-Sparks deals with our learning in “the school of Christ”. He speaks of how we learn truth, under what conditions, and aids to learning.
This book is reprinted from the original, unabridged book: “The School of Christ”.
Cox A Study on the Trinity is a short 32-page work on the Trinity with special attention applied towards Muslims and Jehovah's Witnesses. Chapters: 1. God is One Monotheism. | 2. Why God is one, but has to be three persons in that one God: Love needs three people. | 3. Other Consideration that God has to be three persons. | 4. God the Father is God | 5. Jesus is God | 6. The Holy Spirit is God. | 7. Unacceptable explanations of the Trinity. | 8 Conclusion. Alternate Download Site:
Chapter 1 – The Foundation of Spiritual Education
The object of our schooling is first comprehensively presented – The pre-eminent mark of a life governed by the Spirit – The challenge and meaning of an open heaven – The ‘other-ness’ of Christ – The impossibility of reaching God’s standard ourselves – A final word and exhortation
Chapter 2 – Learning the Truth
“I am… the Truth” – The need for a true foundation – Living by the truth – The abiding need of faith
Chapter 3 – Learning by Revelation
God’s answer to a state of declension – Christ known only by revelation – Revelation bound up with practical situations
Chapter 4 – The House of God
Bethel – The House of God – The corporate House of God – The altar – Baptism – The laying on of hands
Chapter 5 – The Light of Life
The purpose of God – The place of the Shekinah Glory – No place for the natural man – How we get the light of life. (a) The crisis; (b) The process
Chapter 6 – An Open Heaven
All things in Christ – The need of a new set of faculties – The breaking of the self-life – A new prospect for a new man – The mark of a life anointed by the Holy Spirit
Chapter 7 – Learning Under the Anointing
The meaning of the anointing – “Lordship” and “Subjection” – The first lesson in the School of Christ – The Spirit’s Law or instrument of instruction
Chapter 8 – The Governing Law of Divine Love
A zero point – The governing law – The glory of God.
Preface to the Third and Revised Edition
The ministry contained in this little book has been wrought on the anvil of deep and drastic dealings of God with the vessel. It is not only doctrinal; it is experiential. Only those who really mean business with God will take the pains demanded to read it. For such, two words of advice may be helpful. Firstly, try to remember all through that the spoken form is retained. The messages were given in conference, and the reader must try to get into the spirit and mind of listening, and not only reading. In speaking, the messenger can see by the faces before him where repetition or reemphasis or fuller elucidation is called for. This explains much that would not be the character of a precisely literary production. It has its difficulties for readers, but it also has its values.
Then, my advice is that not too much, indeed not a lot, should be attempted at once. Almost every page requires thinking about, and weariness can only overtake if too much is read without quiet meditation.
Of all the books that have issued from this ministry, I regard this one as that which goes most deeply to the roots and foundations of our life in Christ with God.
May He make the reading of it result in a fuller understanding of the meaning of Christ.
July 1964.
More Works from Austin-Sparks
- Austin-Sparks, T. – Overcomer Testimony
- Austin-Sparks, T. – As It Was in the Beginning
- Austin-Sparks, T. – According to Christ
- Austin-Sparks, T. – According to Christ
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Excerpt: We must worship that God, because He is our Creator, and we must seek his moral guidance in life, and for whatever matter that we need or want, we must go to Him first to see if it is what we should seek and ask God for (if it is His will for us). Having established this, witchcraft is to seek spirits or occult principles to get what we want (our own will).
pc56 Just Say no to Witchcraft! Understanding Witchcraft.
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