Boettner Roman Catholicism

Roman Catholicism
By Lorraine Boettner

Dr. Boettner’s careful and accurate review of Roman Catholic theology and his thorough and Biblical refutation of it has long been a masterpiece on the subject. The nineteen chapters cover every aspect of Romish belief and are presented here in five sections for the reader’s convenience. Combined with Hislop’s work, no more comprehensive review and exposure of the errors of Rome, their origin and their significance, exists in print.

Torrey How to Bring Men to Christ
is a manual for witnessing to the unsaved to lead them to Christ. It has hints, tips, and suggestions. 13 Chapters.
PDF: Torrey How to bring men to Christ
theWord: Torrey How to bring men to Christ
MySword: Torrey How to bring men to Christ
eSword: Torrey How to bring men to Christ


Section I

1. Introduction.
2. The Church
3. The Priesthood
4. Tradition
5. Peter

Section II

6. The Papacy
7. Mary
8. The Mass
9. The Confessional
10. Purgatory

Section III

11. The infallibility of the Pope
12. Penance & Indulgences
13. Ritualism
14. Celibacy
15. Marriage

Section IV

16. The Parochial School
17. By what moral standard
18. Intolerance, Bigotry, and Persecution
19. A System Tested by its fruits.

bs32 Should we seek the Holy Spirit?
examines the question of seeking the Holy Spirit, or do Christians already have Him. This tract presents the argument that Scripture clearly teaches that God seals the believer at the moment of accepting Jesus with the Holy Spirit. If that is so (and we show these verses), then God cannot allow a person to (1) believe and be saved, but (2) not have the sealing of the Holy Spirit indwelling.
Topics: The Spirit in the Old Testament | The Transition between the OT and NT | The Earnest of the Spirit When do we Receive the Spirit? | To be Saved is to Have the Holy Spirit | The Guarantee that we are Saved | The Explanation of Luke 11:13 | The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit within us | There are Consequences of the Indwelling Spirit in us | The Sequence of Events.
Red the Tracts: bs32 Should we seek the Holy Spirit? .

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